- DeepFocus requires that you have NVIDIA Drivers installed, download latest from NVIDIA. Also it requires that you have downloaded and installed conda. Get latest conda distribution from CONDA.
After you have downloaded it, installed it and update it to the latest version by running the following commands in your terminal
conda update conda
conda update --all
- Move inside the DeepFocus directory and use the
to create a conda environment with all the packages needed to run DeepFocus
conda create --name DeepFocusEnv --file requirements.txt
Activate the environment conda activate DeepFocusEnv
and you are ready to go.
Deep Focus can be used to solve 2D and 3D Deconvolution, Segmentation, Regression and Classification problems by creating and optimizing the architectures of respectively 2D and 3D CNN-based architectures. The type of problem to solve, and thus the type of architectures which are built, can be selected by changing the dmode
- dmode =
will build architectures whose output is an image or a cube such as U-Nets and Convolutional Autoencoders. The number of input and output channels are controlled by thein_channels
parameters. These can be different, for examplein_channels
could assume a value greater than one if more than one band is fed to an architecture or if different cubes are used as different channels (continuum, hi, moment-masked and so on). - dmode =
will build architectures for parameter regression such as DenseNets, ResNets and so on. The size of the parametric vector to regress and thus the number of parameters which are predicted is controlled by the output channels parameter. - dmode =
will build architectures for image or cube classification. The number of classes substitutes the number of output channels.
DeepFocus assumes that your data is in .fits format. In particular it requires that your data is arleady divided in Train, Validation and Test set with the following directory structure:
- Train
- Cube1.fits
- Cube2.fits
- ....
- train_params.csv
- Test
- Cube3.fits
- Cube4.fits
- test_params.csv
- Validation
- Cube5.fits
- Cube6.fits
- valid_params.csv
Where the params .csv files should contain for each source, the ID of the cube, the x, y, (z) coordinates of the source and the parameters to regress or classify.
The package options such as the data, the model and its hyperparameters are all controlled through dictionaries. In particular, each file starts with a dictionary which should be filled by the user with their parameters of choise. Within the directory, there are three files:
- train_model.py is a routine to train a model with a given configuration and save its weights on th basis of the validation loss improvenment over time
- test_model.py is a routine to test a model with a given configuration and produce predictions on the Test data and related plots
- sweep_.py is a routine to perform model and hyperparameter optimization, while tecnically these could be optimized at the same time, we advise to first seach for the best architecture, and then to optimize its hyperparameters (learning rate, batch size, dropout, weight decay and so on).
The package is capable of building several Deeep Learning 2D and 3D architectures such us:
- Convolutional Autoencoder (CAE)
- U-Net
- ResNets (18, 34, 56, 121, .....)
- DenseNet
- VGGNet
The following list of parameters affects the type and shape of the architecure build by DeepFocus. The architectures are built using the PyTorch library through the following parameters:
(scalar) is the number of input channels, for example if you have a cube with 3 bands, you should setin_channels = 3
(scalar) is the number of output channels, for example if you want to regress 3 parameters, you should setout_channels = 3
: (list) is the depth of the convolutional blocks that make the architecture. For example, if you want to build a U-Net with 3 convolutional blocks, each one containing two repeated convolutions for each block, you should setdepths = [2, 2, 2]
. If you want to build a ResNet 18 with 4 convolutional blocks, each one containing 2 repeated convolutions for each block, you should setdepths = [2, 2, 2, 2]
. If you want to build a DenseNet with 4 convolutional blocks, each one containing 2 repeated convolutions for each block, you should setdepths = [2, 2, 2, 2]
. If you want to build a VGGNet with 4 convolutional blocks, each one containing 2 repeated convolutions for each block, you should setdepths = [2, 2, 2, 2]
. If you want to build a CAE with 4 convolutional blocks, each one containing 2 repeated convolutions for each block, you should setdepths = [2, 2, 2, 2]
. If you want to build a ResNet 34, depths should be set to[3, 4, 6, 3]
and so on.block
: (string), it can take the valuesbasic
. If you want to build a ResNet with bottleneck layers, you should setblock = 'basic'
and if you want to build a DenseNet, you should setblock = 'bottleneck'
. Bottleneck layers are used to reduce the number of parameters in the network, by increasing and decreasing it within the block.growth_rate
: (scalar) is the growth rate of the DenseNet and ResNets. If you want to build a DenseNet with a growth rate of 12, you should setgrowth_rate = 12
, the default value for a ResNet is 4.skip-connections
: (boolean) if you want to build a ResNet with skip connections, you should setskip-connections = True
, the default value isFalse
. Skip connections are used to increase the gradient flow in the network, and thus to improve the training.dropout_rate
: (scalar) is the dropout rate, if you want to build an architecture with a dropout rate of 0.2, you should setdropout = 0.2
, the default value is 0.0. The Dropout is only used within the last fully connected layers and if set to 0 is disabled altogether.block_sizes
(list): the number of channels for each layer (which could be composed by multiple blocks) of a given Architecture. For example, if you want to build a Network with 3 layers, the first creating 16 channles, the second 32 and the last 128 you should setblock_sizes = [32, 64, 128]
(list): the kernel size for each layer (which could be composed by multiple blocks) of a given Architecture. For example, if you want to build a Network with 3 layers, the first with a kernel size of 5x5x5, the second with a kernel size of 3x3x3, and the last with a kernel size of 3x3x1 you should setkernel_sizes = [[5, 5, 5], [3, 3, 3], [3, 3, 1]]
. Where the first two scalars contain the kernel size in the spatial dimension, while the last in frequency. Offcourse if you input is 2D, only set the spatial dimensions.oblock_sizes
(list): the number of channels for each final layer (which could be composed by multiple blocks) of the Decoder part of a U-Net or CAE. These output channels are used only whendmode="deconvolver"
and their purpose is to make the architecture simmetric and obtain correct output size and number of channels.hidden_size
(scalar): this is the number of features or channels extracted by any Encoder built by DeepFocus. Ifdmode="deconvolver"
, this is the size of the Autoencoder latent space, else this is the number of input channels which are fed to the parameter regressor or classificator heads of any architecture build by DeepFocus.encoder_activation
(string): activation function to employ in the encoeder part of the network. For now modelled activation functions are:- ReLU
- LeakyReLU
- SeLU
- Tanh
- Sigmoid
- None (no activation function)
(string): activation function to employ in the decoder part of the network. For the list of available activation functions, look above.interpolation
(boolean): if True, upsampling is performed using both bilinear (trilinear for 3D data) interpolations and transposed convolutions. If set to False, only transposed convolutions are used.
The followind parameters control the network training.
(scalar): the number of samples in each batch.epochs
(scalar): the number of epochs to train the network.learning_rate
(scalar): the learning rate of the optimizer.optimizer
(string): the optimizer to use. For now, only Adam, SGD, and RMSprop are included.loss
(string or list of strings): the loss function/s to use. For now, the following loss functions are implemented:- Binary Cross Entropy (BCE)
- Mean Square Error (MSE)
- L1 Loss (L1)
- Structural Similarity Index (SSIM)
- Focal Loss (FL)
: (scalar) is the weight decay, default value is set to zero.normalize
(boolearn): flag, if set to true input and output are normalized to the [0, 1] range.final_activation
(string): activation function to employ in the final layer of the network. For the list of available activation functions, look above.warm_start
(boolean): flag, if set to true a warm-up strategy for the learning rate is employed. At first iteration the learning rate is set to zero, and then it is gradually increased to the chosen value. This strategy is employed in order to reduce the effect of weight initialization on the network performance and to avoid overfitting the first iterations.warm_start_iterations
(integer): number of iterations for the warm-up strategy.early_stopping
(boolean): flag, if set to true the training is stopped if the validation loss does not improve for a given number of epochs.patience
(integer): number of epochs to wait before stopping the training if the validation loss does not improve. Only meaningfull if early stopping is set to True.log_rate
(integer): number of iterations to wait before logging.preprocess
(str): preprocessing function to use on input images. For now the following functions have been modelled:- "log": logarithm
- "sqrt": square root
- log10": logarithm base 10
- "sinh": hyperbolic sin
- "log_sqrt" square root of the logarithm
(string): name of the parameter to regressnum_workers
(integer): number of workers to use for data loading. If it is set to None, it is automatically determined by trying several workers.
These parameters are used to control logging, datafolders, plotting and so on. To log, we employ Weights and Biases
make sure that you have created an account and that you have performed at least one time the log in from the python interface
import wandb
the following parameters must be set to use DeepFocus:
(string): name of weight and biases project where you want to logentity
(string): name of you weight and biases entity (or username)name
(string): name of the run (if in sweep mode, the name of the run is derived by adding the timestamp to the name)resume
(boolean): flag, if set to true the training is resumed from the last checkpoint (name should be the same)get_tclean
(boolean): flag, if set to true, the dataloader will also recover tCLEAN reconstructions of the input cubes (only usefull in the testing phase of a deconvolver to directly compare with tCLEAN)dataset
(string): each dataset needs a custom dataloader, at this time we have arleady included dataloaders for three datasets:- 'ALMA': ALMA dataset as created by the ALMASim simulator.
- 'TNG': TNG simulation dataset,
are used to select which images to load as input and output. If input shape is tridimensional, channels are are interpreted as frequency slices (like a Cube), otherwise as a multi-channel image (like an RGB image). - 'SKA': SKA data challenge 2 dataset (only for testing purposes)
: path to the folder containing the Train, Validation and Test datasetsoutput_path
: path to the folder where to save the network weightsplot_path
: path to the folder where to save the plotstclean_path
: path to the folder containing the tCLEAN reconstructions (only usefull in the testing phase of a deconvolver to directly compare with tCLEAN). get_tclean must be set to True.prediction_path
: path to the folder where to save the network predictionsdebug
: flag, if set to true, the network is set in debug mode which will print many usefull things such as each layer input and output dimensions
One of the main features of DeepFocus in the implementation of Weight and Biases Sweeps to test both model hyperparameters and architectures. In order to start a sweep, the following adjoint parameters must be set:
(string): the method to use for the sweep. For now, only random search, grid-search and bayes are implemented. Random Search will perform N trials of parameters, Grid-search will perform an exauhistive search of all the parameter space, and Bayes will perform N trials and decide which parameters to test or how to proced by using Bayesian statistics.metric
(string): the metric to use for the sweep. This can be left to the default value if no change has been made to the logging functions, otherwise set as the name whetever variable you want to use to measure the Networks performance.metric_goal
(string): the goal of the metric. Chose between "maximize" and "minimize" are implemented.count
(integer): the number of hyperparameter combinations to test.
- SKA Training Dataloader
- General Example Dataloader to modify for new data
- Add GAN and SGAN networks
While the current state of the project is an updated version with respect to what we published, if you use our code, even partially, please do not forget to cite us in your paper
Michele Delli Veneri, Łukasz Tychoniec, Fabrizia Guglielmetti, Giuseppe Longo, Eric Villard, 3D Detection and Characterisation of ALMA Sources through Deep Learning, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2022;, stac3314, https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stac3314
@article{10.1093/mnras/stac3314, author = {Delli Veneri, Michele and Tychoniec, Łukasz and Guglielmetti, Fabrizia and Longo, Giuseppe and Villard, Eric}, title = "{3D Detection and Characterisation of ALMA Sources through Deep Learning}", journal = {Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society}, year = {2022}, month = {11}, issn = {0035-8711}, doi = {10.1093/mnras/stac3314}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stac3314}, note = {stac3314}, eprint = {https://academic.oup.com/mnras/advance-article-pdf/doi/10.1093/mnras/stac3314/47014718/stac3314.pdf}, }