Mitrix is a x86 Operating System with a monolithic kernel. It supports:
- A very basic filesystem called MIFS
- Mouse
- Keyboard
- Timer (PIT)
- Paging
- Serial logging
- Shared Memory
- Userspace execution
- Multitasking
- EFL32 executables
- Syscall API for userspace
- Doomgeneric port for Mitrix
- Basic shell (VTTY like)
# Build the toolchain
chmod +x ./toolchain/
# Compile the project
make all
After building you can use this to run the OS in QEMU:
make run
The ISO file will be available at build/mitrix.iso
you could burn it on an USB and try it on real hardware.
This project supports compile_commands.json
for LSP servers:
make gen_cc_json
├── build # Build files
├── ramdisk # Folder which will get packed into an MIFS ramdisk image
├── src # Source files
├── toolchain # Build folder for gcc/binutils i686-elf toolchain
├── tools # Tools (compiled on host)
│ └── mifs.c # Utility to creating MIFS images
├── userspace # Userspace programs (can be executed within Mitrix)
│ ├── bin # Destination of compiled programs
│ ├── doom... # Doomgeneric port to Mitrix
│ ├── fib # Generate fibonacci sequence
│ ├── flappy # Very basic flappy bird
│ ├── libc # Libc port
│ ├── libgfx # Very basic GFX library
│ ├── libmitrix # Userspace OS API bindings (f.e.: wrappers for syscalls)
│ ├── utest # Place for testing new features
│ └── ...
└── ...
- Rework tasking with multiple framebuffers
- Add Window Manager
- Maybe port to x86_64
- Move to musl-libc
- Port binutils + gcc