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Snowflake Data Profiling Connector

This connector extracts column-level data profiles from a Snowflake account using Snowflake Connector.


Create a dedicated user & role based on the Setup guide for the general Snowflake connector. You'll need to grant additional permissions to the role in order to execute SELECT statements against all tables:


set db = '<database>';
set role = 'metaphor_role';

grant select on all tables in database identifier($db) to role identifier($role);
grant select on future tables in database identifier($db) to role identifier($role);
grant select on all views in database identifier($db) to role identifier($role);
grant select on future views in database identifier($db) to role identifier($role);
grant select on all materialized views in database identifier($db) to role identifier($role);
grant select on future materialized views in database identifier($db) to role identifier($role);

Config File

The config file inherits all the required and optional fields from the general Snowflake connector Config File.

Optional Configurations

Exclude Views

By default, the connector only profile Snowflake "base table," i.e., exclude views and temporary tables. The following config can enable profiling on all tables and views.

include_views: false

Column Statistics

See Column Statistics for details.


See Sampling Config for details.


Follow the Installation instructions to install metaphor-connectors in your environment (or virtualenv). Make sure to include either all or snowflake extra.

Run the following command to test the connector locally:

metaphor snowflake.profile <config_file>

Manually verify the output after the run finishes.