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Metaphor Connectors

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This repository contains a collection of Python-based "connectors" that extract metadata from various sources to ingest into the Metaphor platform.


This package requires Python 3.9+ installed. You can verify the version on your system by running the following command,

python -V  # or python3 on some systems

Once verified, you can install the package using pip,

pip install "metaphor-connectors[all]"  # or pip3 on some systems

This will install all the connectors and required dependencies. You can also choose to install only a subset of the dependencies by installing the specific extra, e.g.

pip install "metaphor-connectors[snowflake]"

Similarly, you can also install the package using requirements.txt or pyproject.toml.


We automatically push a docker image to Docker Hub as part of the CI/CD. See this page for more details.

GitHub Action

You can also run the connectors in your CI/CD pipeline using the Metaphor Connectors GitHub Action.


Each connector is placed under its own directory under metaphor and extends the metaphor.common.BaseExtractor class.

Connector Name Metadata
athena Schema, description, queries
azure_data_factory Lineage, Pipeline
bigquery Schema, description, statistics, queries
bigquery.lineage Lineage
bigquery.profile Data profile
confluence Document embeddings
custom.data_quality Data quality
custom.governance Ownership, tags, description
custom.lineage Lineage
custom.metadata Custom metadata
custom.query_attributions Query attritutions
datahub Description, tag, ownership
dbt dbt model, test, lineage dbt model, test, lineage
fivetran Lineage, Pipeline
glue Schema, description
great_expectations Data monitor
informatica Lineage, Pipeline
looker Looker view, explore, dashboard, lineage
kafka Schema, description
metabase Dashboard, lineage
mongodb Schema, statistics
monte_carlo Data monitor
mssql Schema
mysql Schema, description
openapi API, description
oracle Schema, description, queries
notion Document embeddings
postgresql Schema, description, statistics
postgresql.profile Data profile
power_bi Dashboard, lineage
quick_sight Dashboard, lineage
redshift Schema, description, statistics, queries
redshift.profile Data profile
s3 Schema, description
sharepoint Document embeddings
snowflake Schema, description, statistics, queries
snowflake.profile Data profile
static_web Document embeddings
synapse Schema, queries
tableau Dashboard, lineage
thought_spot Dashboard, lineage
trino Schema, description, queries
unity_catalog Schema, description
unity_catalog.profile Data profile, statistics


See Development Environment for more instructions on how to set up your local development environment.

Custom Connectors

See Adding a Custom Connector for instructions and a full example of creating your custom connectors.