WhatsappElixir is an Elixir library for interacting with the WhatsApp API. It allows you to handle incoming messages and send responses efficiently using a clean and simple API.
To use WhatsappElixir in your project, add it to your mix.exs
def deps do
{:whatsapp_elixir, "0.1.3"}
Configure your WhatsApp credentials in config/config.exs
config :whatsapp_elixir,WhatsappElixir.HTTP,
token: System.get_env("WHATSAPP_TOKEN"),
phone_number_id: System.get_env("WHATSAPP_PHONE_NUMBER_ID"),
verify_token: System.get_env("VERIFY_TOKEN")
Config can be left blank if you wish to pass the config at the app.
sending whatsapp message example this only works with users with existing sessions to send message first time use templated message on user reply session will be created.
defmodule MyModule do
alias WhatsappElixir.Messages
def send_message(mobile_number) do
Messages.send_message(mobile_number, "Hello World")
def send_templated(mobile_number) do
Messages.send_template("hello_world", mobile_number, [] )
- image: Image id or link of the image
- recipient_id: Phone number of the user with country code without +
- recipient_type: Type of the recipient, either individual or group (default is "individual")
- caption: Caption of the image (default is "")
- link: Whether to send an image id or an image link, True means that the image is a link, False means that the image is an id (default is true)
iex> WhatsappElixir.send_image("https://i.imgur.com/Fh7XVYY.jpeg", "5511999999999")
defmodule MyModule do
alias WhatsappElixir.Messages
def send_templated(mobile_number) do
Messages.send_template("hello_world", mobile_number, [])