Learning & Experimenting with Unity. Trying to determine best practices.
- Architecture/Frameworks: God Objects, MVC, IoC+DI, Messaging, Events, ...
- Software Patterns: OOP, Composition, Singletons, Object Pooling, Observer, ...
- Game Programming Patterns
- Composition vs. OOP : Interfaces + Inheritance vs. Object Composition via Components
- MonoBehaviour + Extensions
- Serialization
- Idioms: One vs. Many
- Events: C# Delegate Events vs. UnityEvents
- Coroutines
- Optimizations
- Overall process: The clubs.
- Now choose a club...
- You have chosen Cowboy coding.
- May I suggest a Methodology?
- Prefab use & referencing (editor vs. code)
- Quick Prototyping vs. Robustness
- Scene/Asset structure
- Profiling/Testing/Debugging
- IDE choice (Visual Studio 2015 Community)
- Source code management(Git + GitHub + GitHub VS2015 Extension)
- Git: Commit, Sync, Push/Pull, Fork, Branch(Merge/Rebase), Revert
- GitHub: Repositories, Issues, Wiki, Markdown, Collaboration
- Blender Exporting
- Editor/Customization
- Interface
- Hacks/Tricks
- Interesting things learned about Unity
- Software Engineering lessons learned
- Game design & development lessons learned