The code in this repository was mainly developed by Maxime Portaz and Matthias Kohl during the Master's thesis of Matthias Kohl.
The repository is organized as follows:
- the model folder contains model definitions and custom PyTorch modules needed for training
- the train folder contains training scripts and parameters
- the test folder contains testing scripts and parameters
- the utils folder contains many utilities for handling datasets, strings, images, as well as generic training routines used here
- Required packages: Python 2.7, NumPy, SciPy, OpenCV-Python (Python bindings for OpenCV 3.2) and PyTorch 0.12
- Edit and run to pre-process images to be at the correct size (or correct size on the smaller side and given maximal aspect ratio)
- Edit and run to create the file needed to normalize images by mean and standard deviation
- Edit utils/ and add all global parameters
to the following dictionaries. All dictionaries have the dataset
ID as key. This is the first part of the file-name of the dataset
(excluding folder path) before an underscore
- mean_std_files: key is dataset ID, value is the file-name of the file generated by
- match_label_functions: a function to extract labels from the name of an image
- num_classes: the number of classes/instances in the dataset
- image_sizes: this is usually always (3, 224, 224)
- For testing, run python test/[training method] and follow the instructions for command-line parameters, which should be self explanatory
- For training, edit train/[training method] Most parameters should be self explanatory. Then, run python train/[training method].py from the main directory