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testing gpg signing #40

testing gpg signing

testing gpg signing #40

# Modify build script
# attempt to sign the artifacts after they are built in the workflow
# if the signings fails then emit a warning and exit with a non-zero status code
# if the signing is successful then import the public key and verify the signatures
# if the verification fails then emit a warning and exit with a non-zero status code
# if the verification is successful then emit a success message and upload the singing file and the signed artifacts
#signing_key="[email protected]"
#[[ $1 == "--sign" ]] && gpg --default-key $signing_key --armor --detach-sig $windows_archive
#[[ $1 == "--sign" ]] && gpg --default-key $signing_key --armor --detach-sig $linux_archive
name: Build and Sign Binary Artifacts
- main
- build-workflow-pr
- "lib/**"
- "index.js"
- ""
- ".github/workflows/build-binary-artifacts.yml"
name: Build binary artifacts, sign, export
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Install Script Dependencies
id: install_script_dependencies
run: npm install -g pkg
- name: Check out the repo
uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: build-workflow-pr
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Import GPG Key
id: import_gpg
uses: crazy-max/ghaction-import-gpg@111c56156bcc6918c056dbef52164cfa583dc549
gpg_private_key: ${{ secrets.WATCHER_PRIVATE_KEY }}
- name: run build script
id: run_build_script
run: ./
- name: Get version from package.json
id: package_version
run: echo "PACKAGE_VERSION=$(jq -r '.version' package.json)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Signt Artifacts
id: sign_tartifacts
run: |
gpg --default-key [email protected] --armor --detach-sig ./dist/stigman-watcher-linux-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.tar.gz
gpg --default-key [email protected] --armor --detach-sig ./dist/stigman-watcher-win-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.zip;
- name: Sign Artifacts
id: sign_artifacts
run: |
if ! gpg --default-key [email protected] --armor --detach-sig ./dist/stigman-watcher-linux-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.tar.gz
gpg --default-key [email protected] --armor --detach-sig ./dist/stigman-watcher-win-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.zip;
echo "::warning ::Signing failed"
exit 1
# - name: Import GPG Public Key
# id: import_gpg_public
# run: gpg --import ./nuwcdivnpt-bot.gpg.asc
# - name: Verify Signatures
# id: verify_signatures
# working-directory: ./dist
# run: |
# if ! gpg --verify stigman-watcher-linux-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.tar.gz.asc stigman-watcher-linux-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.tar.gz; then
# echo "::warning ::Signature verification for Linux failed"
# fi
# if ! gpg --verify stigman-watcher-win-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.zip.asc stigman-watcher-win-${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }}.zip; then
# echo "::warning ::Signature verification for Windows failed"
# fi
# - name: Upload Artifacts
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: binary-artifacts
# path: |
# ./dist/
# if-no-files-found: error