- This was tested and ran on RHEL 7 leveraging the devtoolset-8
% make build
% make test
% make run
% make runtests
% make test % SCENARIO="test/BDD/calculator.feature" make runtests
- Click the
Run & Debug
widget on the left side- Click the play button beside
Debug Tests
in the top left
% bin/runtests --gtest_filter="CalculatorTestsGTest.Should*"
% bin/runtests --gtest_filter="Calculator Tests GUnit.:Return Correct*"
% SCENARIO="test/BDD/calculator.feature" bin/runtests --gtest_filter="Calculator Addition.*"
- If you want to build this in any other environment, you will have to natively compile the libs for your target environment. See console commands below
% git clone https://github.com/cpp-testing/GUnit.git % cd GUnit % git submodule update --init --recursive % mkdir build && cd build % cmake .. % cmake --build . --target install
- The key libs you need are in this repo under lib
- fmem
- gherkin
- gherkin-cpp
- gtest
- gunit
- json (Header only)