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R package for imputing missing values in trait datasets.

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Trait Data Imputation with Phylogeny (TDIP) is a package allowing to impute missing values in a trait dataset with the help or not of a phylogenetic tree. By using this package, the user can simulate trait datasets, include missing values according to several missing mechanisms, and / or apply various imputation approaches.



TDIP uses R and Python. All the packages needed can be installed via R.

  1. Since the R package NADIA was recently removed from CRAN, please download the latest version from its CRAN archive ( and install it from local.
install.packages("YOURPATH/NADIA_0.4.2.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")
  1. Install TDIP directly from Github using devtools
  1. To use GAIN, python >= 3.9 needs to be installed, as well as the tensorflow, numpy, scikit-learn and tqdm packages. The R package reticulate provides all the commands needed.

#install python

#install packages:

#Conda environement
reticulate::conda_install("EnvironmentName",c("tensorflow = 2.9.1", "numpy = 1.22.3", "scikit-learn =  1.1.1", "tqdm = 4.64.1"))
#to specify the environment

reticulate::py_install(c("tensorflow = 2.9.1", "numpy = 1.22.3", "scikit-learn =  1.1.1", "tqdm = 4.64.1"), pip = TRUE)
#to specify the Python path
reticulate::py_config() #displays the Python installation paths


Simulated or empirical data can be used. To simulate a trait dataset, the function data_simulator() can be used. The function takes 2 arguments:

  1. a dataframe composed of these columns:
  • nbr_traits: Number of traits simulated with specific parameters
  • class: Type of traits (continuous, non_eq_nominal(categorical) and ordinal)
  • model: Evolutionary model (BM1, OU1, ARD, SYM, ER, Manual)
  • states: Number of states for discrete traits, (if continuous set it to 1)
  • correlation: Index corresponding to the group of simulated traits which are correlated or not with other traits
  • uncorr_traits: Among the "nbr_traits", it's the number of uncorrelated traits
  • fraction_uncorr_traits: Fraction among the "nbr_traits" which are uncorrelated
  • lambda: Pagel's lambda
  • kappa: Pagel's kappa
  • highCor: Correlation rate between the trait defined in "manTrait" and the simulated traits.
  • manTrait: Index of the trait correlated with the trait(s) simulated according to the manual model.
  1. A list containing the birth rate, the death rate and the number of taxa

The function data_simulator() returns a list containing the simulated trait data, the phylogenetic tree, all the parameters used for the simulation and the inputs.

#load the data available in the package
param_tree <- list(0.4, 0.1, 100)

simData <- data_simulator(param_tree = param_tree, 
                          dataframe = dataframe)

#print some rows of the simulated data

For an empirical dataset, you can use the function data_preprocessing() to convert all the character columns into factors and to create a list containing the dataset and the phylogenetic tree if provided.


simulatedData$Species <- rownames(simulatedData)

#if no tree
empData <- data_preprocessing(simulatedData, 
                              empTree = NULL, 
                              save = NULL)

empData <- data_preprocessing(simulatedData, 
                              empTree = tree, 
                              save = NULL)

Generation of missing values

Missing values follow a missing mechanism. In this package, the user can generate missing values according to 4 missing mechanisms:

  1. Missing completely at random (MCAR)

  2. Missing at random (MAR)

  3. Missing not at random (MNAR)

  4. PhyloNa

missingRate <- 0.05

mcar_values <- mcar_miss_meca(missingRate = missingRate,
                              ds = simData$FinalData, cols_mis = 1:ncol(simData$FinalData))

mar_values <- mar_miss_meca(missingRate = missingRate, 
                            ds = simData$FinalData, 
                            cols_mis = 1, 
                            cols_ctrl = 3)

mnar_values <- mnar_miss_meca(missingRate = missingRate, 
                              ds = simData$FinalData, 
                              cols_mis = colnames(simData$FinalData))

phyloNa_values <- phyloNa_miss_meca(missingRate = missingRate, 
                                    ds = simData$FinalData, 
                                    tree = simData$TreeList$`0`)

The function na_insertion() simulates missing values according to several missing mechanisms at once.

missing_values <- na_insertion(missingRate = missingRate,
                               dataset = simData$FinalData, 
                               missingTraits = ncol(simData$FinalData), 
                               MARTraits = 1, 
                               MARctrlTraits = 3,
                               traitsNoNA = NULL, 
                               tree = simData$TreeList$`0`, 
                               save = NULL)

#visualize the amount of missing data
NaData <- missing_values$DataNaN

for(rdn in 1:length(NaData)){

  partition <- NaData[[rdn]][[1]]

  title <- names(partition)
  plot(visdat::vis_miss(partition), main = title)

Missing value imputation

The imputation of missing values can be done by several imputation methods according to several strategies. The methods available in the TDIP package are the following:

  1. Phylogenetic imputation methods
  • Rphylopars pi_continuous_traits_phylo()
  • corHMM pi_categorical_traits_phylo()
  1. Machine learning
  • missForest missForest_phylo()
  • kNN kNN_phylo()
  • predictive mean matching mice_phylo()
  1. Deep learning
  • GAIN gain_phylo()
  • Polytomous regression mice_phylo()

Each of these methods can be applied according to 3 strategies:

  1. No phylogenetic information

  2. With phylogenetic information as eigenvectors

  3. "2-step" which consists in using as input the concatenation of the output of the phylogenetic imputation methods with the incomplete data before the missing value imputation.

The function missing_data_imputation() provides a way to impute missing values through several imputation approaches and strategies. Each imputation method can be called separately too.

methods <- c("mice_phylo", "missForest_phylo", "kNN_phylo")
strategies <- "NP"
varfrac <- 0.95

#impute missing MCAR values
imputedData <- missing_data_imputation(ImputationApproachesNames = methods,
                                       data = missing_values$DataNaN$MCAR$`MCAR/13/0.05`, 
                                       tree = simData$TreeList$`0`, 
                                       strategies = strategies, 
                                       varfrac = varfrac, 
                                       save = NULL)

Hard voting

Then, the function hard_voting() provides the possibility to apply a hard voting classifier using imputed datasets.

#select imputed dataset in the imputedData object
namesMethods <- c("MICE", "MissForest", "KNN")
namesToselect <- paste(namesMethods, "NP", sep = "_")
namesImputedData <- names(imputedData)
datasets <- imputedData[which(namesImputedData %in% namesToselect)]

#hard voting
hv <- hard_voting(listOfdataframe = datasets)

Error calculation

The error calculation is the root mean square error (RMSE) for continuous variables, whereas for categorical variables, it is the proportion of falsely classified entries (PFC).

#compute error for a data containing MCAR imputed by missForest
errors <- imputation_error(imputedData = imputedData$MissForest_NP,
                           trueData = simData$FinalData, 
                           missingData = missing_values$DataNaN$MCAR$`MCAR/13/0.05`, 
                           imputationApproachesName = methods[2], 
                           dataframe = simData$Dataframe)


R package for imputing missing values in trait datasets.






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