This project is demonstrates a setup of Omron TM12 cobot with a Robotiq 2F 140 gripper for simulation and *control using the planning capabilities of MoveIt 2.
The project also uses MoveIt Task Constructor Framework to simulate a simple pick and place task.
The main branch is configured for ROS2 Humble Hawksbill.
- Create workspace and clone the repository
mkdir -p tm12_tmr/src
cd tm12_tmr/src
git clone
- Download dependencies
for repo in tm12_tmr/tm12_2f140.repos; do vcs import < "$repo" --recursive; done
rosdep update
rosdep install -r --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO -y
- Build workspace
cd ..
colcon build --mixin release --executor sequential
Open new terminal and run
source install/setup.bash && ros2 launch demo_tm12_moveit
Open new terminal and run
source install/setup.bash && ros2 launch demo_tm12_mtc
Open second terminal or terminal tab and run
source install/setup.bash && ros2 launch demo_tm12_mtc
- Create config file that uses DH parameters downloaded from an Omron TM12 cobot to update nominal URDF robot model
- Test code using actual Omron TM12 cobot
- Incorporate Hand-Eye calibration to use cobot's camera