Police wanted With DISCORD and GCPHONE records.
- Police Job
- Download https://github.com/Ivannnmmn/esx_wanted
- Put it in the
- Add this to your server.cfg:
start esx_wanted
- Change
- Add SQL
- Add Wanted
/wanted [ID] [Time] [Reason]
- UnWanted
/unwanted [ID]
- esx_policejob > client > main
ESX.UI.Menu.Open('default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'police_actions', {
title = 'Police',
align = 'top-left',
elements = {
{label = _U('citizen_interaction'), value = 'citizen_interaction'},
{label = _U('vehicle_interaction'), value = 'vehicle_interaction'},
{label = _U('object_spawner'), value = 'object_spawner'},
{label = "Wanted", value = 'wanted_menu'} -- This
}}, function(data, menu)
if data.current.value == 'wanted_menu' then -- This
end -- end
if data.current.value == 'citizen_interaction' then
local elements = {
{label = _U('id_card'), value = 'identity_card'},
{label = _U('search'), value = 'search'},
{label = _U('handcuff'), value = 'handcuff'},