Script for detecting mutations in aligned reads (.bam |.sam) e.g. from RNA base conversion techniques such as TimeLapse, SLAM-seq, TUC-seq
python -b <file.bam> [-s <snpFile.txt>] [--reads <PE|SE>] [--mutType <TC[,GA,..]> ][--minDist <int>] [--minQual <int>] [--tracks] [--mutPos]
Requires: pysam
-b|--bam path to input .bam file
-s|--SNP path to file with SNPs positions
--mutType list of mutations types to analyze comma-separated (defalut: TC)
--reads type of reads paird-end (PE) or single end (SE) (default: PE)
--minDist smallest allowed distance of mutation for either 5' or 3' end of read
--minQual smallest allowed sequencing quality of mutation
--tracks make .bedGraph tracks of mutations
--mutPos make _cB.csv file with mutation statisctics for every nucleotide
- .bam file
- list of SNPs for common mutations removal (optional) Format: chrom:position:REF:MUT
- *_counts.csv - mutation statistics for each read or read pair
- qname : read (pair) name
- nA : number of A in reference sequence covered by the read
- nC : number of C
- nT : number of T
- nG : number of G,
- rname : chromosome
- FR : forward or reverse strand
- sj : read (pair) contains splice junction
- TA : number of T -> A conversions recorded in read (pair)
- CA
- GA
- NA
- AT
- CT
- GT
- NT
- AC
- TC
- GC
- NC
- AG
- TG
- CG
- NG
- AN
- TN
- CN
- GN
- *_cB.csv - mutation statistics for each nucleotide position. Coverage + number of mutations observed
- rname : chromosome name
- gloc : genomic position of nucleotide
- trials : number of reads that recorded given nucleotide
- n : number of mutations observed at nucleotide
- *_muts.bedGraph - browser tracks for viewing mutation counts
- chromosome name
- nucleotide start, end
- count of mutations at position