Simple CLI for React projects
$ npm install -g reacter-cli
$ reacter init <project-name>
$ reacter init my-app
$ reacter init . // Generate project in current directory
Directory structure:
├── src
│ ├── actions // only use Redux
│ ├── components // common components
│ ├── containers // page containers
│ ├── images
│ ├── reducers // only use Redux
│ ├── styles
│ ├── constants.js // static variable
│ └── index.jsx // entry file
├── template // html template
├── .babelrc // babel configuration
├── .editorconfig // editor configuration
├── .eslintrc.json // eslint configuration
├── .gitignore
├── package.json
├── webpack.config.js // webpack development environment configuration
├── // webpack produce environment configuration
In order to be able to use the global, we need to set up inside package.json
"bin": {
"reacter": "bin/reacter",
"reacter-init": "bin/reacter-init"
Local debugging, the implementation of the root directory
$ npm link
You can bind the reacter
command to the global, then you can directly to the reacter
command as the beginning without typing long node reacter
like the order.