Spritify for Blender saves you time by compiling animations into sprite sheets.
- Install Dependencies
Using Brew:
brew install pkgconfig
brew install imagemagick
Clone or download this repository
In Blender, install spritify.py as a plugin
------------------------------ OLD Description ------------------------------
When an animation render is complete, all of the frames in the animation are compiled into a single spritesheet usable for sprite-based games.
There is a Spritify panel in Render Properties where you configure some of the attributes of the sprite sheet as well as enable/disable the ability to automatically generate a sprite sheet each time an animation render completes.
As of version 0.4.0, Spritify will also optionally generate an animated GIF.
Originally developed for use in the Ancient Beast (http://www.ancientbeast.com/) project.
More complete documentation can be found in Blender's add-ons Catalog (http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/Render/Spritify)