Project NE Detection as DK Pro Component
This (plain Java Project-no Maven - no Ant - no Eclipse plugin) can be used as a UIMA component to detect names in German novels. It uses a MaxEnt-Classifier ( which showed to perform better than a Linear Chain CRF ) to do so.
The required model is stored in the resource Folder ( however it is expected that there will be changes during the next days !!!) This Project comes with all its dependend jars included.
-(Its only requirements are Mallet 2.07 RC2 , UIMA-Core and UIMA-Fit).
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
CollectionReaderDescription cr = createReaderDescription(TextReader.class,
TextReader.PARAM_LANGUAGE, "de");
AnalysisEngineDescription segmenter = createEngineDescription(OpenNlpSegmenter.class);
AnalysisEngineDescription tagger = createEngineDescription(OpenNlpPosTagger.class);
// ========PARAMS FOR THIS ANALYSIS ENGINE it requires to have POS-tags and Sentences!! ======
String modelLocation = "resources\\modelNERRegular.bin";
String featuresFile = "resources\\features.txt";
AnalysisEngineDescription neDetection = createEngineDescription(RomaneNERAnnotator.class,
RomaneNERAnnotator.PARAM_FEATURE_FILE_LOCATION, featuresFile,
RomaneNERAnnotator.PARAM_MODEL_LOCATION, modelLocation);
// =========
AnalysisEngineDescription cc = createEngineDescription(CasDumpWriter.class,
CasDumpWriter.PARAM_OUTPUT_FILE, "<outputfile>");
runPipeline(cr, segmenter, tagger, neDetection, cc);