This code send SMS text with SMSdata. SMSdata is time stamped RTC temperature and battery voltage value using GPRSBee. Low power is implemented every SLPNG seconds defined in the code.
Example of SMS message received: 2015/2/9 11:31:35 Temp:26.25, Volt:4.26
#Configuration Send SMS every SLPNG seconds and go to sleep. SMS massage contains is date and hour + RTC temperature + Battery voltage
The code uses Stalker + GPRSBee
Stalker: Jumper INT PD2 welded in Stalker to Use Interruption with RTC Jumper PD5-En welded in Stalker to swtich on and off bee power Cable from Bee port #9 to GPRSBEE_PWRPIN. The GPRSbee uses DTR pin (pin 9) for software ON/OFF. Switching on or off is simply a matter of momentarily switching DTR high. Cable from bee port 12 to XBEECTS_PIN. The CTS pin (pin 12) is used for power status.If the CTS pin is high the GPRSbee is on, if it is low it’s off.
Cable CTS and PWRPin from GPRSBee to Stalker In pins
GPRSBEE_PWRPIN (Stalker) <--> pin#9 (GPRSBee)
XBEECTS_PIN (Stalker) <--> pin#12 (GPRSBee)
Port0 (Stalker) <--> pin#1 (GPRSBee) Tx
Port1 (Stalker) <--> pin#2 (GPRSBee) Rx
To read from serial monitor in the computer, in Diag.h #define enable_diag 1 otherwise #undef. Define wich ports are going to be used with serial monitor RX/TX DIAGPORT_TX/DIAGPORT_RX
#define ENABLE_DIAG 1
UartSBee Gnd <--> Gnd Stalker
UartSBee Rx <--> DIAGPORT_TX Stalker
UartSBee TX <--> DIAGPORT_RX Stalker
To program Stalker unconnect pin0 and 1 or take gprsbee out. (sharing ports 0 and 1 from Stalker)
##Hardware Stalker V2.3