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Setup Guide

Marblr edited this page Sep 29, 2023 · 7 revisions

Marble It Up! Ultra level files are created using the Unity editor. Below is a quick guide to getting the program up and running.

Step 1: Install Unity

Unity Hub

Navigate to and download Unity Hub for your operating system.

Unity Editor

Once Unity Hub is installed, navigate to and download the Unity 2020.X editor using the "Unity Hub" button. Do not install a version other than 2020! At the time of writing, version Unity 2020.3.48 is guaranteed to work.

Unity Project

After installing the editor, you will need to create a 3D project. It can be named anything!


Project Settings

Now that your project is open in the editor, there are a few settings that should be changed.

Go to Edit -> Project Settings -> Quality and change Shadows to Disable Shadows.

Go to Edit -> Project Settings -> Player -> Other Settings and change Lightmap Encoding to Normal Quality.

This may seem counterintuitive, but these settings will result in a better image when baking lightmaps later on.


Step 2: Install Required Packages

Before the Level Kit can be used, there are a few packages to manage in the Package Manager, found at Window -> Package Manager.

First, uninstall the Timeline package since it causes compile errors with the Level Kit.


Next, click the top-left dropdown, select Unity Registry, and install the package named ProBuilder.


Although not required, it is recommended to also install ProGrids -- unfortunately, this package is hidden by default.

Go to Edit -> Project Settings -> Package Manager -> Advanced Settings and check Enable Preview Packages.

In the Package Manager window, you will now be able to install the package named ProGrids.

Step 3: Install the Level Kit

Download the latest Level Kit package from the releases page.

In the Unity editor, go to Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package... and select the Level Kit package.


In the Import window, select Import with all assets checked. This process may take a few minutes.

Once complete, you should see a new menu bar item called Marble It Up -- if so, the Level Kit has been successfully installed!

Refer to the wiki page for tutorials regarding level building, lightmapping, and more.