A tiddlywiki theme. Based on the monochrome theme, inspired by sublime text 2 and the visual studio 2012 dark themes.
Source of the monochrome theme: http://themes.tiddlywiki.com/monochrome.html
Within your tiddlywiki instance, go to "More" on the right, then make sure the tab "Shadowed" is selected. In there, open the StyleSheet and PageTemplate tiddlers.
Edit the PageTemplate
tiddler and replace the entire content of the tiddler with the contents of the monochrome-darkvs.html
file. This will set up the page layout of your TiddlyWiki.
Edit the StyleSheet
tiddler and replace the entire content of the tiddler with the contents of the monochrome-darkvs.css
file. This will set up the entire style of your TiddlyWiki.