This is an implementation of PubSub for PHP that's designed to have a simple api.
include 'pub_sub.php';
// called when the admin area is loaded
PubSub::subscribe('/admin/load', function() {
AdminArea::add_nav_link('Log out', '/logout');
// used to add js files to the page
PubSub::subscribe('/enqueue_js', function($additional_js = array()) {
), $additional_js));
<!-- product page -->
<?php PubSub::publish('/enqueue_js', array('/js/product-gallery.js')); ?>
PubSub::subscribe('my_event', function($message){
echo $message;
PubSub::publish('my_event', 'Hello world'); // echo 'Hello world'
PubSub internally creates unique ids for callbacks, so they can be removed
$callback = function($message){
echo $message;
PubSub::subscribe('my_event', $callback);
PubSub::publish('my_event', 'Hello world'); // echo 'Hello world'
PubSub::unsubscribe('my_event', $callback);
PubSub::publish('my_event', 'Hello world'); // does nothing
PubSub::subscribe('my_event', function($message){
echo $message;
PubSub::publish('my_event', 'Hello world'); // does nothing
PubSub::subscribe('my_event', function($message){
echo $message;
PubSub::subscribe('my_event', function(){
return false;
PubSub::subscriptions('my_event'); // returns numeric array with both callbacks, in the order that they would execute
PubSub::subscribe('my_event', function($message){
echo $message;
PubSub::subscribe('my_event', function(){
return false;
PubSub::events(); // returns associative array, of callbacks, indexed by event name