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MangosArentLiterature edited this page Sep 5, 2022 · 4 revisions

General commands

/about - Prints Athena version information.
Permissions: NONE

/global <message> - Sends a global message.
Permissions: NONE

/motd - Sends the server's message of the day (MoTD).
Permissions: NONE

/move [-u uid1,uid2...] <area> - Moves user(s) to an area.
Permissions: NONE, MOVE_USERS (If targeting users)

  • -u: Specifies user(s) to move.

/players [-a] - Shows players in the current area, or all areas.
Permissions: NONE

  • -a: Shows players in all areas.

/pm <uid1>,<uid2>... <message> - Privately messages user(s).
Permissions: NONE

/roll [-p] <dice>d<sides> - Rolls dice and returns the result(s).
Permissions: NONE

  • -p: Makes the results of the roll private.

Area commands

/allowcms <true|false> - Toggles allowing CMs in the area.
Permissions: MODIFY_AREA

/allowiniswap <true|false> - Toggles iniswapping in the area.
Permissions: MODIFY_AREA

/areainfo - Shows information on the current area.
Permissions: NONE

/bg <bg>- Sets the area's background.
Permissions: CM

/charselect [uid1,uid2...] - Moves self or user(s) back to character select.
Permissions: NONE, CM (If targeting users)

/cm [uid1,uid2...] - CMs self or user(s).
Permissions: NONE, CM (If targeting users)

/doc [-c] [doc] - Returns or sets the area's doc.
Permissions: NONE, CM (If modifying a set doc)

  • -c: Clears the doc.

/evimode <any|cms|mods> - Sets the area's evidence mode.
Permissions: MODIFY_AREA

/forcebglist <true|false> - Toggles enforcing the server BG list in the area.
Permissions: MODIFY_AREA

/invite <uid1>,<uid2>... - Invites user(s) to the area.
Permissions: CM

/kickarea <uid1>,<uid2>... - Kicks user(s) from the area, sending them to area 0.
Permissions: CM

/lock [-s] - Locks the area or sets it to spectatable.
Permissions: CM

  • -s: Sets the area to spectatable.

/lockbg <true|false> - Toggles locking the area's BG
Permissions: MODIFY_AREA

/lockmusic <true|false> - Toggles making music in the area CM only.
Permissions: CM

/nointpres <true|false> - Toggles non-interrupting preanims in the area.
Permissions: MODIFY_AREA

/play <song> - Plays a song, either a local file or a URL.
Permissions: CM

/status <idle|looking-for-players|casing|recess|rp|gaming> - Sets the area's status.
Permissions: CM

/swapevi <evi1> <evi2> - Swaps the positions of two pieces of evidence.
Permissions: NONE

/testimony <record|stop|play|update|insert|delete> - Modifies the testimony recorder, or prints current testimony.
Permissions: CM

/uncm [uid1,uid2...] - Removes self or user(s) as a CM.
Permissions: CM

/uninvite <uid1>,<uid2>... - Uninvites user(s) to the area.
Permissions: CM

/unlock - Unlocks the area.
Permissions: CM

Moderator commands

/ban -u <uid1,uid2>...|-i <ipid1>,<ipid2>... [-d duration] <reason> - Bans user(s) from the server.
Permissions: BAN

  • -u: Targets UID(s).
  • -i: Targets IPID(s).
  • -d duration: Sets the duration of the ban. If this is not set, default duration will be used. This should be set in the format: XsXmXhXdXw, e.g. 3w for 3 weeks, or 1h5m for 1 hour and 5 minutes

/editban <id1>,<id2>... <reason> - Changes the reason of ban(s).
Permissions: BAN

/getban [-b id|-i ipid] - Gets bans by banid, IPID, or the 5 most recent bans.
Permissions: BAN_INFO

  • -b: Specifies the BanID to search for.
  • -i: Specifies the IPID to search for.

/kick -u <uid1>,<uid2>...|-i <ipid1>,<ipid2>... <reason> - Kicks user(s) from the server.
Permissions: KICK

  • -u: Targets UID(s).
  • -i: Targets IPID(s).

/log <area> - Gets an area's log buffer.
Permissions: LOG

/login <username> <password> - Logs in as moderator.
Permissions: NONE

/logout - Logs out as moderator.
Permissions: NONE

/mod [-g] <message> - Sends a message speaking officially as a moderator.
Permissions: MOD_SPEAK

  • -g: Sends the message globally.

/modchat <message> - Sends a message to the moderator chat.
Permissions: MOD_CHAT

/mute [-ic] [-ooc] [-m] [-j] [-d duration] [-r reason] <uid1>,<uid2>... - Mutes a client from IC/OOC/Music/Judge.
Permissions: MUTE

  • -ic: Mutes IC chat.
  • -ooc: Mutes OOC chat.
  • -m: Mutes changing music.
  • -j: Mutes judge controls.
  • -d duration: Sets the duration of the mute in seconds.
  • -r reason: Sends a reason for the mute.

/parrot [-d duration] [-r reason] <uid1>,<uid2>... - Turns user(s) into a parrot.
Permissions: MUTE

  • -d duration: Sets the duration of the mute in seconds.
  • -r reason: Sends a reason for the mute.

/unban <id1>,<id2>... - Nullifies ban(s).
Permissions: BAN

/unmute <uid1>,<uid2>... - Unmutes (or unparrots) user(s)
Permissions: MUTE

Admin commands

/setrole <username> <role> - Changes a moderator user's role.
Permissions: ADMIN

/mkusr <username> <password> <role> - Creates a new moderator user.
Permissions: ADMIN

/rmusr <username> - Removes a moderator user.
Permissions: ADMIN

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