Please find data and output files in a (
Reconstruct downloaded folders and repository under one directory as follows;
Nozue2018_SAStranscriptome_scripts # this repository. Nozue2018_SAStranscriptome_data # from mBox Nozue2016_SAStranscriptome_output # from mBox For transcriptome analysis, open SAS_mutants_RNAseq_analysis_final.Rmd in SAS_muts_time_course_RNAseq_final. For mutant phenotype analysis, open SA_SASproject_final.Rmd in SA_SASproject_scripts. For yuc::luc2 image analysis, open promoterYUCluc2.multi_final.R in promYUC_luc2_scripts_data.
Kazu Nozue