Provide a PHP Trait with methods present in PHPUnit Test Framework and expected to be implemented by TestCase.
This is useful when traits are used for test reuse, and it's necessary to access to PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase methods from the trait.
You can use Composer .
composer require maks3w/phpunit-methods-trait
Example of use in a trait
use PHPUnit\Framework\Assert;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
trait FooTrait {
use \Maks3w\PhpUnitMethodsTrait\Framework\TestCaseTrait;
public function testFoo() {
$mockFoo = $this->getMock('Foo');
- Q: Assertion methods are not recognized. Why?
- A: Assertion methods like `assertTrue` are static methods present in `PHPUnit\Framework\Assert` just access them using static method call `PHPUnit\Framework\Assert::assertTrue(...)`
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