Dwarf-Cucumber(DC) is Tiny and Semi-Automatic BDD Cucumber. DC is based on Guerkin.
Yadda: Advanced BDD and Gherkin Given/When/Then parser. Chai: Assertion library. Selenium: Webdriver based browser automation. Mocha: BDD Testing framework.
Create the following directory structure for your test project:
├─ features
└─ steps
create the file features/login.feature
and add the following content to it.
Feature: Login
In order to access my account on Github
As a registered user
I need to be able to log in
Scenario: Successful login
Given I am a registered user
When I go to github.com
And I enter my credentials and submit the login form
Then I should see a welcome page
From the tests directtory
node ./bin/dc.js generate tests/features/login.feature
An wizard will direct you to choose the step language path and weather you want to save it or run it through terminal
Feature file: tests/functional/features/todomvc.feature
Press Ctrl+C to abort
Choose output
1. javascript (default)
2. coffeescript
› javascript
Specify the feature file language
1. English (default)
2. French
3. Norwegian
4. Polish
5. Spanish
› English
Generate output
1. Display output (default)
2. Save to a file
› Save to a file
Specify a path:
tests/steps/login-steps.js (default)
› Saving to tests/steps/login-steps.js
A step template according to the feature will be generated for you:
The generated step definition file should look like this:
// Given I am a registered user
Given(/I am a registered user/, function(done) {
// When I go to github.com
When(/I go to github.com/, function(done) {
// And I enter my credentials and submit the login form
And(/I enter my credentials and submit the login form/, function(done) {
// Then I should see a welcome page
Then(/I should see a welcome page/, function(done) {
Here you find an edited and ready to deploy version of the above step:
var browser = driver.client;
// Given I am a registered user
Given(/I am a registered user/, function(done) {
// When I go to github.com
When(/I go to github\.com/, function(done) {
browser.get('https://github\.com/login', done)
// And I enter my credentials and submit the login form
And(/I enter my credentials and submit the login form/, function(done) {
var username = 'username';
var password = 'password';
// Then I should see a welcome page
Then(/I should see a welcome page/, function(done) {
browser.elementByCss('.selected').text(function(err, val) {
expect(val).to.eql('News Feed');
It's all done! rn dc.js
from the tests
node ./bin/dc.js run
If you do everything right accordingly, you must get the following colored output in terminal:
Found 1 feature
Feature: Login #tests/features/login.feature
Tested in firefox
Scenario: Successful login
✓ Given I am a registered user
✓ When I go to github.com
✓ And I enter my credentials and submit the login form
✓ Then I should see a welcome page
---------- ----------- ------------- -------- --------- --------
Features Scenarios Total Steps Passed Skipped Failed
---------- ----------- ------------- -------- --------- --------
1 1 4 ✓ 4 0 0
Completed 1 feature in 1.37s
If you want to run dc in a browser like firefix first you must run Selenium thrugh wdlauncher.js
node ./bin/wdlauncher.js start --auto-install
node bin/dc.js run -b firefox
If you want to get nice html report and navigate through steps and feature:
node bin/dc.js run -b firefox --reporters console,html
Usage: dc [options] [command]
run run feature tests found in the [target] path
watch watch for file changes in the [target] path, then run feature tests
generate generate step definition templates for the specified feature file <path>
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-c, --config <path> specify an external config file
-b, --browsers <names> comma-delimited <names> of local browsers to use (chrome|firefox|ie|safari|phantomjs)
-m, --match <pattern> only run features matching <pattern>
--match-invert inverts --match results
-T, --tags <names> only run feature tests annotated with one of the comma-delimited tag <names>
-E, --exclude-tags <names> exclude feature tests annotated with one of the comma-delimited tag <names>
-t, --timeout <ms> set per-test timeout in milliseconds [10000]
-s, --slow <ms> `slow` test threshold in milliseconds [5000]
-f, --failfast stop running tests on the first encoutered failure or timeout
--test-strategy <name> `test` runs various tests in parallel. `browser` runs each test against mutiple browsers [test]
--reporters <names> comma-delimited report <names> to enable. available options: junit,html
--report-path <path> path for the generated reports
--rerun <path> rerun failed tests recorded in `failed.dat` from the last test run
--debug enable debug logging
--log <path> output a log file to filename
Run dc [command] --help to see description and available options for a particular command
Usage: watch [options] [path ...]
-h, --help output usage information
-d, --watch-delay <ms> Buffers multiple changes into a single run using a delay in milliseconds [500]
Usage: wdlauncher [command]
start start the selenium standalone server
install install or update missing selenium driver binaries
status display the current available driver binaries
-h, --help output usage information
--output <path> path to the location of the binaries
-p,--port <num> optional port for the selenium standalone server
--auto-install auto install missing binaries before starting the selenium server
--overwrite force download existing binaries
--debug enable debug logging
--log <path> path including file name to create a file log
More examples are in examples directory.