This repository has been created to provide access to:
The MaREI LEAP Dingle Peninsula 2030 model, which was generated as part of Dingle Peninsula / Corca Dhuibhne 2030 research project. The project outputs are available here.
Authors: Connor McGookin, Tomás Mac Uidhir, Brian Ó Gallachóir and Edmond Byrne
A valid licenced copy of the Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP) is required to install/ operate the LEAP model developed here. To download LEAP, navigate to the Stocholm Environment Institute (SEI) - LEAP website.
Register with LEAP by clicking on "Sign Up".
Once registered you can download the most recent version of LEAP by following the Download tab.
License information for LEAP is available within the License tab. LEAP provides a range of licence "Tiers" which are "designed to make LEAP as accesible as possible to energy and climate practitioners in developing countries, while asking others to make a fair contribution to the ongoing development and maintenance of the system and the free technical support." [1].
Once you have a licensed version of LEAP installed, follow these steps to access the LEAP Ireland 2050 model:
(1) Download the LEAP Ireland 2050.leap file. (2) In LEAP, navigate to Area -> Install -> Install from file.... (3) Navigate to the location where you downloaded the LEAP Ireland 2050.leap file and click "Yes".
LEAP-SEI provide a range of training material in different languages if you would like to learn more about the development/ operation of LEAP models.
[1] Heaps, C.G., 2020. LEAP: The Low Emissions Analysis Platform. [Software version: 2020.1.20] Stockholm Environment Institute. Somerville, MA, USA.