- Apache Server
- Frontend as Web App by Flask
- Backend as Kafka Cluster by Confluent
docker compose up --build -d
You have to wait a few seconds until the control-center is ready.
docker-compose stop kafka1|kafka2|kafka3
docker-compose up kafka1|kafka2|kafka3
docker exec kafka2 kafka-topics --create --topic vks --bootstrap-server kafka2:29092 --replication-factor 2 --partitions 2
docker exec -it schema-registry bash
kafka-avro-console-consumer --topic vks --bootstrap-server kafka2:29092
docker exec -it schema-registry bash
kafka-avro-console-producer --topic vks --bootstrap-server kafka2:29092 --property value.schema="$(</opt/app/schema/user_login.avsc)"
Enter this in your producer:
{"ID": 1,"username":"Max"}
- Docker containers from Confluent Images
- Python client from Confluent Package