A toolbox for handling of streaming data within a crowsnest setup.
It is packaged as a docker image, available here: https://github.com/orgs/MO-RISE/packages
The image expects a "run" command inputted on startup. Using docker run, this would manifest as such:
docker run crowsnest-toolbox "<command>"
Using docker-compose it would look like this:
version: '3'
image: ghcr.io/mo-rise/crowsnest-toolbox:v0.3.0
restart: always
command: ["<command>"]
The following "special" binaries are included in the toolbox:
- b64_decode Processes each line of stdin and base64 decodes it
- b64_encode Processes each line of stdin and base64 encodes it
- raw_to_brefv Processes each line of stdin and puts it into a timestamped brefv envelope
- prepend_timestamp Prepend a RFC3339 timestamp of microsecond resolution to each line on stdin
- to_csv Processes a crowsnest log file into a set of "topic-specific" csv files
- udp_listen Eavesdrop onto UDP traffic and output to stdout, currently only supports multicast.
The following are "recipes" for "run" commands that can be used with this image.
Injecting data from "any" source into a mqtt broker using the standard brefv format (examplified by a multicast stream). Every UDP packet gets base64-encoded and packaged into a brefv envelope and then published to the broker:
udp_listen --encode multicast 60002 --interface= \ | raw_to_brefv \ | mosquitto_pub -l -t '<topic>'
Recording brefv data from a mqtt broker
mosquitto_sub -v -t <topic_1> -t <topic_2> | prepend_timestamp >> crowsnest.log
Produces output as:
<RFC3339 timestamp> <Receive topic> <Message payload> <RFC3339 timestamp> <Receive topic> <Message payload> ...
Subscribe to a topic and extract the message payload in realtime
mosquitto_sub -t <topic_1> | jq -r --unbuffered .message
Convert recorded data files to topic-specific csv format
cat *.log | to_csv --output-path <OUTPUT DIRECTORY PATH>
Replay recorded data (assuming the format specified above)
TODO: Requires scripting
Concatenating (and sorting) multiple recordings
cat first.log second.log third.log | sort -k 1 | (replay?)
In general, this one is good: https://gist.github.com/jdimpson/6ae2f91ec133da8453b0198f9be05bd5
More specifically for multicast: