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Microservice for reading data from an ARS-300 radar module over CAN and sending frames (list of targets) to a cluon multicast group using pycluon

Data description

For each target, the following data values will be sent

Signal [unit] description
sample_time [s] time since epoch in (according to computer running micro service)
Tar_Dist_rms [m] Target range standard deviation
Tar_Ang_rms [deg] Target angle standard deviation
Tar_Vrel_rms [m/s] Target relative velocity standard deviation (to/from radar)
Tar_Vrel [m/s] Target relative velocity (to/from radar; positive likely towards radar, negative away from)
Tar_Dist [m] Target range
Tar_PdH0 [%] Target false alarm probability
Tar_Length [m] Target length (likely range direction)
Tar_Width [m] Target width (likely azimuth direction)
Tar_Type [N/A] Target type - 0:No target, 1:Oncoming, 2:Stationary, 3:Traced (targets moving in the same direction)
Tar_Ang_stat [N/A] Target angle status - 0:Expanded target, 1:Point target, 2:Digital, 3:Invalid (should be ignored, because it is invalid)
Tar_Ang [deg] Target angle
Tar_RCSValue [dBm2] Radar cross section

Production setup

version: '3'
    restart: unless-stopped
    network_mode: "host"
      - CLUON_CID=121
      - CANBUS_CHANNEL=can0
      - CANBUS_TYPE=socketcan
      - "/dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0"

Note: On socketcan, the can interface must be "enabled" by issuing the following command: ip link set can0 up

Development setup

To setup the development environment:

python3 -m venv venv
source ven/bin/activate

Install everything thats needed for development:

pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements_dev.txt

To run the linters:

black tests
pylint --extension-pkg-allow-list=pycluon

To run the tests:

python -m pytest --verbose tests