This repository contains codes to generate simulated data using IHDP dataset, and implement acquisition strategies, and evaluate their effectiveness in combination with common treatment effect estimation models. Python environment is specified in environment.yml and requirements.txt.
This contains raw IHDP data used for simulation.
This script generates simulated data using IHDP dataset. Various parameters that influence treatment assignment, outcome generations, and missingness mechanism can be set. An example that corresponds to experiments in the paper is given in
This script implements confounding feature acquisition strategies using different models. Examples of running the script can be found at and
This script is called by to implement CMGP model. We used the implementation of CMGP at Repo.
If you use this code in your research, please cite the following paper:
Wang, S., Yi, S.E., Joshi, S., & Ghassemi, M. (2020). Confounding Feature Acquisition for Causal Effect Estimation. arXiv:2011.08753.
Alaa, Ahmed M., and Mihaela van der Schaar. Bayesian inference of individualized treatment effects using multi-task gaussian processes Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2017.
Tibshirani, Julie, et al. Package ‘grf’ (2018).