ThreadBear is an open-source tool that tests Medicaid IT modules for security, performance, and conformance to Poplin APIs.
ThreadBear is a Ruby on Rails application with a React frontend. Wherever possible, ThreadBear attempts to conform to rails conventions.
- Download and install prerequisites:
- Ruby Version Manager
- Ruby 2.5.1 (use rvm)
- Node Package Manager
- Redis
- Clone this repository
- Install node dependencies
cd /frontend
npm install
- Install ruby and rails dependencies
cd ..
gem install bundler
bundle install
- Start the servers using
rake start
- Rails will start on http://localhost:3001
- React will start on http://localhost:3000
MITRE is a not-for-profit company that operates Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDC).
ThreadBear was initiated as part of the CMS Alliance to Modernize Healthcare (CAMH) and strives to accelerate the IHI's Triple AIM of improved patient care, better population health, and reduced per capita cost in the United States healthcare system.