This Repo is for creating infrastructure for djangoproject continous integration and contionous deployment.
You need terraform and ansible installed on your localhost.
Infrastructure will be on AWS.
Terraform will create
Custom VPC
3 public subnets for EKS nodes, 1 public subnet for operation instance and 2 private subnets for RDS
Internet gateway
Route table associated with internet gateway
4 public subnets will be associated with public route table
Ops EC2 instance with security group 22, 443, 8081, 3000 ports opened
RDS with security group 5432 port opened and Postgres 12 engine installed
EKS cluster with 1 node group and opened 30001 port
Network Load Balancer with target group 30001 port opened and listener target to port 80
Cloudfront with NLB origin and 80, 443 ports
Generate certeficate for already registered domain in route53
Alias A record for cloudfront
A record for nexus container registry in ops EC2 instance
CNAME record for RDS endpoint
Ansible will create in ops EC2 instance
Nexus repository container with djangoproject repository created
Nginx reverse proxy container to redirect https to http trafik and pass it nexus
Prometheus, grafana and Node exporter containers for monitoring Ops Server
Install local github runner
Before execute you need to create secrets in Github actions in djangoproject source repository
ACCESS_KEY (your aws account Access key ID)
SECRET_KEY (your aws account Secret Access Key)
EKS_CLUSTER_NAME (named in terraform file)
NEXUS_REPO (Nexus repository name)
NEXUS_USERNAME (Nexus repository username)
NEXUS_PASSWORD (Nexus repository password)
SQL_HOST (DB subdomain name)
SQL_PASSWORD (DB password manually inputed while terraform creates infrastructure)
You need also
Create github access token with repo access and store it in "github_token.txt" file in ansible directory
Create public and private ssh keys (do it with ssh-keygen program with name "server_key") and store in terraform directory
Finnaly execute and manually input db password and use same password to create secret in github action.