This build script produces ubuntu core image with recovery capabilities on top of original android parition layout. Most of processes and scripts were originated from Brando project.
a working android on dragonboard 410c
follow this installation guide to flash android on eMMC
needed packages
apt-get install dosfstools snapd android-tools-fsutils android-tools-fastboot u-boot-tools
- skales tool (avaiable on ubuntu after 17.04) if you're on 16.04, use this PPA
add-apt-repository ppa:julian-liu/skales
apt-get update
apt-get install skales
u-boot image is pre-built from here which were forked from hallor and appied with patch by kubiko. FAT_ENV_DEVICE_AND_PART is re-defined at 0:16 (mmc device 0 part #22).
how to build u-boot
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- dragonboard410c_defconfig
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- -j4
skales-mkbootimg --kernel=u-boot.bin --output=u-boot.img --dt=fake_dt --pagesize 2048 --base 0x80000000 --ramdisk=fake_ramdisk --cmdline=""ll
| Part # | Part Label | Will be flashed |
|1 | modem | |
|2 | fsc | |
|3 | ssd | |
|4 | sbl1 | |
|5 | sbl1bak | |
|6 | rpm | |
|7 | rpmbak | |
|8 | tz | |
|9 | tzbak | |
|10 | hyp | |
|11 | hypbak | |
|12 | modemst1 | |
|13 | modemst2 | |
|14 | DDR | |
|15 | fsg | |
|16 | sec | |
|17 | aboot | |
|18 | abootbak | |
|19 | boot | Y (u-boot.img) |
|20 | recovery |Y (uc kernel + initrd)|
|21 | devinfo | |
|22 | system | Y (system-boot) |
|23 | cache | |
|24 | persist | |
|25 | misc | |
|26 | keystore | |
|27 | config | |
|28 | oem | |
|29 | userdata | Y (writable) |
let dragonboard entering fastboot mode (press VOL+ while powering up)
# replace YYYYmmddHHMM to the actual generated image name
fastboot flash recovery ./dragonboard-recovery-YYYYmmddHHMM.img
fastboot flash system ./dragonboard-systemboot-YYYYmmddHHMM.img
fastboot flash userdata ./dragonboard-userdata-YYYYmmddHHMM.img
fastboot flash boot gadget/u-boot.img
There are two ways to specify reboot modes in dragonbord's little kernel(decided at compile time by USE_PON_REBOOT_REG). One is internal MSM_SHARED_IMEM and the other is using reserved PON register bits in PMIC. This project assume lk is using IMEM and u-boots will modify the value in memory address at 0x0860065c to specify the reboot mode. u-boots needs to turn dcache off before modifying IMEM.