LunaTechs Haxe Framework & Definitions for RPG Paper Maker Open Source - Haxe Framework for creating RPG Paper Maker plugins and games.
Officially supported by RPG Paper Maker.
Note this is still under active development.
- Kino Rose
- inc0der
- Wano
Haxe allows you to write your code with a type safe language with plenty of features.
- Standard library support (not available in plain JS)
- Type Inference
- Type Safety
- Compile Time Checks
- Conditional Compilation
- Macros
All paper maker game scripts are in the PM module. Additional C++ Code will be in the CM module.
- Howler 2.0.3 | v2.1.3
- Physi
- ThreeJs r91 | r122
- ObjLoader
Coming Soon