Firefighter Robot designed to the TecnoFacens FireFighter Robot tournament hosted at UniFacens.
The robot is put at a maze whith 4 rooms, in which a candle is put randomly, the robot has to find it and extinguish, after that he has to return to the inicial point.
Our team finished 2nd in this tournament.
- 1x Arduino MEGA 2560 R3
- 2x Infrared Sensor - TCRT5000
- 3x Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04
- 3x Flame Sensor
- 1x IR Positioning Camera for Arduino
- 1x Display 16x2
- 1x IIC/I2C Serial Interface 1602 2004 LCD Adapter Converter Display Board Module
- 2x DC Motor 3V to 6V
- 2x H Bridge - L298N
- 1x Small Fan