Learn more about the burgeoning Information Technology (IT) sector, in this short website made in a week.
- View the resulting website at: https://luisapi.github.io/The-IT-Professionals
We are the Pseudowoodos. We are a group of Computer Science students advocating for a more educated and connected society. We built this website for informational purposes.
This website aims to educate people on the purposes of professions within the Information Technology (IT) sector and let them know of opportunities people may have in this space. As a burgeoning industry, IT is taking off and providing people with ways to communicate that they have never seen before.
Naturally, this comes with risks and issues, as criminals in the digital world try to steal user data and finances for nefarious purposes. The importance of this sector, from Web Design and Software Engineering to Cybersecurity and beyond, makes it a top destination for those looking to switch careers.
This website also serves as our exam in our course for Introduction to Computing, for the first semester of our first year in university. ;)
- https://firsthand.co/
- https://www.jobhero.com/
- https://www.computerscience.org/
- https://www.jobstreet.com.ph/
- https://bossjob.ph/
- https://www.betterteam.com/job-description
- https://www.shrm.org/ResourcesAndTools/tools-and-samples/job-descriptions/Pages/default.aspx
In this section, CIRCLED_A, A_ENCIRCLED, and ADDRESS mean the @
symbol, while PERIOD and TULDOK mean the .
- 📲 Contact: 0939 087 6027
- 📧 Email: johnraffy.el156 CIRCLED_A gmail PERIOD com
- 📸 Instagram: @raffy_else
- 📧 Email: francisnatividad333 ADDRESS gmail TULDOK com
- 📸 Instagram: @sicnnarff
- 📧 Email: eiron.forio0819 A_ENCIRCLED gmail PERIOD com
- 📧 Email: lapimperial CIRCLED_A outlook TULDOK com
- 📔 GitHub: @LuisAPI
- 🐤 Twitter: @luisantonpi
- 🐘 Mastodon: @LuisAnton
- 📧 Gmail: lanceslv A_ENCIRCLED gmail TULDOK com
- 🔵 Facebook: Lance Silva (@lncslv)