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Simple typed lambda calculus with recursion in python


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Simple typed lambda calculus with recursion in python


Use pip to install it from the repository (stlc package is not available in pypy yet).

pip install git+


After installation you have available the command stlc

To try a single string:

stlc -i "a=b;"

To try a full file:

stlc -f filename 

Language Spec

Gammar for core language

expression : variable
    | literal 
    | "(" expression expression ")"
    |"\" variable "->"  expression
    | "(" expression operator expression ")"
    | "if" expression "then" expression "else" expression

variable_character : "a" | ... | "z" | "A" | ... | "Z"
variable : "_" variable_character+ | variable_character+

literal : bool_literal | int_literal | "unit"

bool_literal : True | False

int_literal : 0 | 1 | -1 | 2 | -2 | ...

operator: "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "==" | "&" | "|" |"~"

type : "Bool" | "Int" | "Unit" | "(" type "->" type ")"

variable_definition : variable "=" expression ";"
variable_declaration : variable ":" type ";"

Factorized Grammar for expression

expression : variable
    | literal 
    | "(" expression expression_paren
    |"\" variable "->"  expression
    | "if" expression "then" expression "else" expression

expression_paren :  expression ")"
    | operator expression ")"
    | ":" type ")"

Typing rules

We use $\Gamma$ as a set of variable:type declarations .

$$\dfrac{ v:t \in \Gamma }{\Gamma \vdash v:t}$$

$$\dfrac{ }{\Gamma \vdash True :Bool}$$

$$\dfrac{ }{\Gamma \vdash False :Bool}$$

$$\dfrac{ }{\Gamma \vdash int literal :Int}$$

$$\dfrac{ }{\Gamma \vdash unit :Unit}$$

$$\dfrac{ op \in \{+,-,*,/ \} \qquad \qquad \Gamma \vdash (e_1:Int) \qquad \qquad \Gamma \vdash (e_2:Int) }{\Gamma \vdash (e_1 \quad op \quad e_2:Int) }$$ $$\dfrac{ op \in \{<,>,<=,>=,==\} \qquad \qquad \Gamma \vdash (e_1:Int) \qquad \qquad \Gamma \vdash (e_2:Int) }{\Gamma \vdash (e_1 \quad op \quad e_2:Bool)}$$ $$\dfrac{ op \in \{ \& ,|,~\} \qquad \qquad \Gamma \vdash (e_1:Bool) \qquad \qquad \Gamma \vdash (e_2:Bool)}{\Gamma \vdash (e_1 \quad op \quad e_2 : Bool)}$$

$$\dfrac{\Gamma, x : t_1 \vdash e : t_2 }{\Gamma \vdash (\textbackslash x -> e ) : (t_1 -> t_2) }$$

$$\dfrac{\Gamma \vdash e_1 : (t_1 -> t_2) \qquad \qquad \qquad \Gamma \vdash e_2 : t_1 }{\Gamma \vdash ( e_1 \quad e_2 ) : t_2 }$$

$$\dfrac{\Gamma \vdash e_1 : Bool \qquad \qquad \Gamma \vdash e_2 : t \qquad \qquad \Gamma \vdash e_3 : t }{\Gamma \vdash (if \quad e_1 \quad then \quad e_2 \quad else \quad e_3) : t }$$

$$\dfrac{\Gamma \vdash (e:t) }{\Gamma \vdash ((e:t):t) }$$

Free variables

$$Free(x) = \{x\}$$

$$Free(literal) = \emptyset$$

$$Free((e_1 e_2)) = Free(e_1) \cup Free(e_2)$$

$$Free(\textbackslash x -> e ) = Free(e) \textbackslash \{x\}$$

$$Free(e_1 op e_2) = Free(e_1) \cup Free(e_2)$$

$$Free(if \quad e_1 \quad then \quad e_2 \quad else \quad e_3) = Free(e_1) \cup Free(e_2) \cup Free(e_3)$$


  • $x[x := r] = r$

  • $y[x := r] = y$ if $x \neq y$

  • $(e_1 \quad e_2)[x:=r] = ((e_1[ x:= r])(e_2[x:=r]))$

  • $(\textbackslash x -&gt; e)[x:=r] = (\textbackslash x-&gt;e)$

  • $(\textbackslash y -&gt; e)[x:=r] = (\textbackslash y -&gt; (e[y:=z])[x:=r])$ provided $x \neq y$ and $z \notin Free(e)$

  • $(e_1 \quad op \quad e_2)[x:=r] = ((e_1[x:=r]) \quad op \quad (e_2[x:=r]))$

  • $(if \quad e_1 \quad then \quad e_2 \quad else \quad e_3)[x:=r] = if e_1[x:=r] then e_2[x:=r] else e_3[x:=r]$

Evaluation rules

Let $E$ be a set of definitions variable = expression.

$V$ denotes the set of values, this means that it contains True,False,unit,0,1,-1,-2,..., lambda expressions of the form \ x -> e and operator expressions v_1 op v_2 where $v_1,v_2 \in V$ .

$$\dfrac{}{(True,E) => (True,E)}$$

$$\dfrac{}{(False,E) => (False,E)}$$

$$\dfrac{}{(int literal,E) => (int literal,E)}$$

$$\dfrac{}{(unit,E) => (unit,E)}$$

$$\dfrac{}{(\ x -> e,E) => (\ x -> e,E)}$$

$$\dfrac{(x=e) \in E }{(x,E) => (e,E)}$$

$$\dfrac{(y,E) => (e,E)}{(x \quad y,E) => (x \quad e,E)}$$

$$\dfrac{v \in V \qquad (x=\ y -> e) \in E}{(x \quad v,E) => (e[y:=v],E)}$$

$$\dfrac{(x,E) => (e,E)}{((x \quad op \quad y),E) => (e \quad op \quad y,E)}$$

$$\dfrac{v \in V \qquad (y,E) => (e,E)}{((v \quad op \quad y),E) => (v \quad op \quad e,E)}$$

$$\dfrac{(e_1,E) => (e_4 ,E)}{(if \quad e_1 \quad then \quad e_2 \quad else \quad e_3, E) =>(if \quad e_4 \quad then \quad e_2 \quad else \quad e_3, E) }$$

$$\dfrac{}{(if \quad True \quad then \quad e_2 \quad else \quad e_3, E) =>(e_2, E) }$$

$$\dfrac{}{(if \quad False \quad then \quad e_2 \quad else \quad e_3, E) =>(e_3, E) }$$


Simple typed lambda calculus with recursion in python







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