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Contest code has been overhauled. Contest now broken down into separate divisions such as "compo;open;gamejam". Contestants in separate divisions can get voting results in the SAME categories. So if you want a separate overall category for the Compo and the Open division, you should name the cats like "OverallCompo" and "OverallOpen" or whatever.
- create a category for it "ld14" or whatever - for mini compos, create a sub category of the mini category
- e-mail the gamecompo.com mailing list of course!
- make a blog post announcing the upcoming contest (as user=news)
- For a big compo, copy the previous compo's wiki to a new folder and update some links so that each compo gets its own wiki. More specific instructions to be added.
- Modify https://ludumdare.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/compo/themes/ludum/countdown.php
- SSH to the site
- $ cd (something)/compo/wp-content/themes/ludum
- $ svn update
- Create a new wordpress "page" per day of theme voting
- Fill that page with the theme voting tag as follows. To start voting:
[compo-vote:open:theme1;theme 2;theme 3]
- To show the results of voting:
[compo-vote:closed:theme1;theme 2;theme 3]
- Create a new wordpress page for the compo
- Put in a tag . This is a basic tag for a Official Compo that includes a Game Jam
[compo2 state="active" jcat="ld18" init="1" calc_droplow="2" calc_drophigh="2" calc_reqvote="3" divs="compo;open;gamejam" opendivs="compo;open;gamejam" compo_cats="Innovation;Fun;Overall" compo_title="Competition" compo_summary="The Basic <a href='#'>rules</a> apply" open_cats="Overall" open_title="Open" open_summary="The open rules apply" gamejam_summary="No rules, do whatever" gamejam_title="Game Jam" topcat="Overall"]
For a Mini-LD, including a Game Jam is probably silly. (Though in many cases, the Mini LD is ONLY a Game Jam, either way, don't include the Game Jam. To run a Mini as just a Game Jam, just don't have a "rate" and "results" phase, just jump right to "closed" at the end.)
[compo2 state="active" jcat="ld18mini" init="1" divs="compo" opendivs="compo" compo_cats="Innovation;Fun;Overall" compo_title="Competition" compo_summary="The Basic <a href='#'>rules</a> apply" topcat="Overall"]
Here are all the compo2 tag attributes.
- state - is "active" at start. Further definition below.
- jcat - is optional, but can refer to the wp-category slug that is being used by contestants to journal in.
- divs - a semi-colon delimited list of the divisions in this contest "compo;open;gamejam"
- opendivs - a semi-colon delimited list of divisions that can be joined at this time "compo;open;gamejam" when the compo goes into rate mode, probably change this to "open;gamejam"
- $DIV_cats - should be a semi-colon delimited list of voting categories "Fun;Innovation;Production;Theme"
- $DIV_title - title of the division "Competition" "Open" "Game Jam"
- $DIV_summary - Summary / Rules: "The basic rules must be followed, etc, etc blah blah" May include HTML that uses single quotes, so you can link to more detailed information.
- locked - should be 0 or 1. If set to 1, it will stop users from adding new entries. Existing users can still edit their existing entries. This setting restricts users from changing their division as well.
- pubvote - should be set to 1 if the public (non-entrants) can vote
- calc_droplow - number of low votes to be dropped per entry
- calc_drophigh - number of high votes to be dropped per entry
- calc_reqvote - number of remaining votes required to calculate an average
- topcat - The voting category that will show the top entries, usually Overall.
NOTE: if you change calc_droplow, calc_drophigh, calc_reqvote you must access ?admin=1&action=recalc to recalculate the results of the competition to reflect those changes.
NOTE: You can preview the results by accessing ?admin=1&action=results OR ?admin=1&action=top
- Change the STATE to "rate"
This process takes a few steps.
- ?admin=1&action=recalc
This will force the site to recalc the results.
- ?admin=1&action=results
View the results.
- ?admin=1&action=results&more=1
To view the full results.
- ?admin=1&action=top
View the "top" results. Then do it for each &cat=NAME_OF_CATEGORY to build up the cache. You can do that by clicking from the main results page.
- Change the STATE to "results"
- Change the STATE to "closed" This is only used for compos that are not being judged. It merely closes the compo from adding new entries.
- Click on the "Enter admin mode" link. It will let you modify and disable entries.
- action=results - see compo results
- action=top - see compo top results
- add ?cache=0 to reset the cache for a page
Redirect the user to ?action=preview&uid=UID
Edit wp-content/plugins/compo2/fcache.php .. The first few lines let you put the site into emergency mode. This should reduce the load on the site considerably. There are 4 steps:
Step 1: in compo2_fcache_admin add your IP address to the array. So instead of array("") it will say array("","your_ip_address_goes_here");
Step 2: you will make "compo2_fcache_emergency" return true to enable the emergency mode.
Step 3: Do your emergency stuff.
Step 4: Undo steps 1 and 2.