DCS-Blue-Brew-Companion (Contact me at [email protected] if you want a custom cash register app) This cash register app is made in Python, and made possible by Flask. Features Create fully customizable items, that can be bought in the order menu. All money earned is tracked through the admin panel. You can see what items are selling the most, and what items aren't. A built-in Sam's Club web scraper will help you get the exact price with the in-built grocery list. There is a log system that tracks all changes made. Everything is backed up in a database, which then can be uploaded onto a server for safekeeping. Installation for Ubuntu Servers Install python: "sudo apt-get install python3" Clone repo: "git clone https://github.com/LuckyHead11/DCS-Blue-Brew-Companion.git" Create Virtual Env: "python3 -m venv venv" Install requirements: "pip install -r requirements.txt" Run: "python3 main.py" (Or do "nohup python3 main.py", to run indefinitely) Created for and used by Decatur Christian School