It's a code in C++ Arduino language. The program is basically for a following line Robot with a few more features.
The following line robot of my project
Mac OS X & Linux & Windows:
You just need to download (or copy) the file "main.ino"
After this you just need to run with Arduino Compiler.
After you run the code, you have 12 seconds to put your following line Robot on the track.
The right line follower sensor does not detect light ("detects black line"), stopping the right motors thus only the left motors will remain active.
The left line follower sensor does not detect light ("detects black line"), stopping the left motors thus only the right motors will remain.
Both line follower sensors do not detect light ("detects a perpendicular black line") thus stopping and counting 8 seconds (appears on display - 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1).
When there's an obstacle on the track the ultrasonic sensor will detect and stop all the motors until this obstacle is removed from the track.
- 1.0.1
- ADD: README and folder IMGS/GIF
- 1.0.0
- ADD: .gitignore and .gitattribute
- First stable release
This project is based on the Energy and Mobility megatrend (I has a post in Youtube to explain all the project is about).
Guided by the professor @Rudolf_Buhler on ELO100 subject in the University Center of FEI
Danilo Barbosa - @bdanilo_ - Mechanics
Massiel Blandy - @massiblandy - Eletronics
Lucas Lagoeiro - @DevLagoeiro - [email protected] - Software