I wanted to revamp my website (officinecartografiche.net) with some services:
- static website
- pelican blog
- lizmap
- postgis
all served with subdomains
Following this DigitalOcean tutorial
Moved everything to Hetzner [https://www.hetzner.com/] and got a domain name on OVH [https://www.ovh.com/]
I set up [Caddy Server 2] (https://caddyserver.com/) a reverse proxy to easily manage subdomains.
I pulled [jancelin/docker-lizmap] (https://github.com/jancelin/docker-lizmap) docker-compose repo on my github and started playing around in order to adapt the general concept to my website
What I need to do:
1. find out how to upload file into Lizmap project folder usign nextcloud
2. test lizmap with a sample [project] (https://github.com/jancelin/docker-lizmap/tree/master/files/qgis)
- parameters tune up
- create a landing page
- import old blog post in Pelican
- assess the need of a postgis DB
- use redis to speed up services
Docker-compose list: Caddyserver Portainer Nextcloud Postgis Lizmap QgisServer Redis