This is a collection of awesome resources related to the yearly Advent of Code challenge.
- The Official AoC Website
- The AoC Subreddit
- Project Templates
- Tools and Utilities
- Other Advent Calendars
- 2018
- 2019
Templates, cookiecutters and skeletons for quickly setting up projects in your favourite language.
- dave-burke/advent-of-code-java-starter (Java)
- gobanos/cargo-aoc (Rust)
- hughjdavey/aoc-kotlin-starter (Kotlin)
- kindermoumoute/adventofcode (Go)
- staylorwr/elixir_aoc (Elixir)
- mhanberg/advent-of-code-elixir-starter (Elixir)
- AlexeSimon/adventofcode (Python)
- sindrekjr/AdventOfCodeBase (C#)
- mhanberg/advent-of-code-clojure-starter (Clojure)
- caderek/aoc-starter-js (JavaScript)
- caderek/aoc-starter-ts (TypeScript)
- Alfie -- Online JS editor that helps users solve AoC problems.
- Chrome extension -- Browser extension for private leaderboard visualization
- Firefox extension -- Browser extension for private leaderboard visualization
- Globals medals overview -- Alternative global leaderboard showing first, second and third places as gold, silver and bronze medals.
- Scatterplot of first 100 -- Scatterplot of the time taken to solve the parts of each puzzle by the first 100 people that solved it.
- aocdl -- Command-line utility that automatically downloads your personal input file while you read the puzzle description (Go).
- aoc-cli -- Command-line utility that helps solve problems in ruby: it downloads your personal input file, creates the sample source files and benchmarks your solutions (Ruby).
- AoCHelper -- NuGet library that simplifies puzzle solving and provides benchmarking (.NET).
24 days of cool stuff regarding .
WARNING: All of these likely contain spoilers.
Read to learn how to add your own repos.
Solutions to AoC in AWK.
Solutions to AoC in Ada.
Solutions to AoC in Bash.
Solutions to AoC in C.
Solutions to AoC in C#.
- AnkurSheel/AdventOfCode2019
- alexchro93/AdventOfCode
- eduherminio/AoC2019
- encse/adventofcode
- sanraith/aoc2019
- sindrekjr/AdventOfCode
- viceroypenguin/adventofcode
- tstavropoulos/AdventOfCode2019
Solutions to AoC in C++.
- TheRealMolen/adventofcode2019
- voivoid/advent-of-code
- rrrlw/advent-of-code-2019
- bwearley/advent-of-code-2019
Solutions to AoC in Clojure.
- agrison/advent-of-code-2019
- alexparlett/advent-of-code-2019
- erdos/advent-of-code-2019
- fctorial/adventofcode2019-clojure
- fdlk/advent-2019
- felipecortez/advent-of-code
- jdlambert/advent-of-code-2019
- mastercake10/AdventOfCode2019
Solutions to AoC in Common Lisp.
Solutions to AoC in Crystal.
Solutions to AoC in D.
Solutions to AoC in Dart.
Solutions to AoC in Elixir.
Solutions to AoC in Elm and Literate Elm.
Solutions to AoC in Erlang.
Solutions to AoC in F#.
Solutions to AoC in Go.
- GreenLightning/aoc19
- Ullaakut/aoc19
- chigley/advent2019
- davidaayers/advent-of-code-2019
- devries/advent_of_code_2019
- gliderGeek/adventofcode19
- hierynomus/
- howden/advent19
- kissgyorgy/adventofcode2019
- lynerist/Advent-of-code-2019-golang
- sasom/adventofcode19
- thlacroix/goadvent
- williamfhe/advent-of-code-2019
- sevaorlov/adventofcode2019
Solutions to AoC in Groovy.
Solutions to AoC in Haskell.
- bzuilhof/AdventOfCode
- ephemient/aoc2019#hs
- glguy/advent2019
- hashedone/advent-of-code-2019-hask
- nrdmn/adventofcode2019
- webbiscuit/adventofcode
Solutions to AoC in Idris.
Solutions to AoC in J.
Solutions to AoC in Java.
- niedrist/AdventOfCode
- SimonBaars/adventOfCode-2019
- SizableShrimp/AdventOfCode2019
- agrison/advent-of-code-2019
- giganova/advent-of-code-2019-java
Solutions to AoC in JavaScript.
- GigaNova/advent-of-code-2019
- Jedi-Fullstack-Avengers/AdventOfCode
- MaxArt2501/advent-of-code-2019
- RaedsLab/advent-of-code
- arnauddrain/advent-of-code-2019
- atme/advent-of-code
- bureson/advent-of-code-2019
- chinesedfan/adventofcode
- countzero/advent_of_code
- danieltrost/adventofcode-2019-solutions-js
- davidmargolin/Advent-Of-Code-2019
- entibo/advent-of-code-golf-2019
- gamma032steam/Advent-of-code
- gavinhenderson/advent-of-code
- imsalahdev/adventofcode-2019
- jackcutting/aoc2019
- mdelerue/AdventOfCode
- und3f/advent-of-code-2019
- vguerrerobosch/advent-of-code-2019
- vuryss/aoc-2019
- bwearley/advent-of-code-2019
Solutions to AoC in Julia.
Solutions to AoC in Kotlin.
- 0legg/adventofcode
- daafith/advent-of-code-2019
- ephemient/aoc2019#kt
- hughjdavey/aoc-2019
- jgoerner/aoc-2019
- jorispz/aoc-2019
- mew/aoc-2019
Solutions to AoC in LDPL.
Solutions to AoC in Nim.
Solutions to AoC in OCaml.
Solutions to AoC in PHP.
Solutions to AoC in Perl.
Solutions to AoC in Pony.
Solutions to AoC in Prolog.
Solutions to AoC in PowerShell.
Solutions to AoC in Python.
- 0x8b/advent-of-code-2019
- Akumatic/Advent-of-Code
- BogDAAAMN/advent-of-code
- Dementophobia/advent-of-code-2019
- IFinners/advent-of-code
- JasonCannon/advent-of-code-2019
- JesperDramsch/advent-of-code
- kjeliasen/AdventOfCode
- Kurocon/AdventOfCode2019
- Levivig/AdventOfCode2019
- Miccowhy/adventofcode2019
- PatMyron/advent-of-code
- TristoKrempita/advent-of-code
- a-red-christmas/aoc2019-ae
- elvinyhlee/advent-of-code-2019-python
- ephemient/aoc2019#py
- gbusch/AdventOfCode
- juffalow/advent-of-code
- kolcon/adventofcode_2019
- mebeim/aoc
- metzbernhard/aoc2019
- mevdschee/AdventOfCode2019
- mjpieters/adventofcode
- mpindaro/advent-of-code-2019
- polhec42/AOC
- r0f1/adventofcode2019
- ste001/advent-of-code-2019
- vincent-vega/adventofcode
- visini/aoc2019
- zenieldanaku/AdventOfCode
- dmies/adventOfCode
- iownthegame/AdventofCode2019
Solutions to AoC in R.
- Cattiva/adventofcode
- EdwinTh/AoC_2019
- Morawski21/Advent-of-Code-2019-in-R
- adam-gruer/aoc2019
- akulumbeg/adventofcode
- davidmasp/adventofcode-dmp
- mpjdem/adventofcode2019
- riinuots/advent2019
- plannapus/AdventOfCode2019
- rrrlw/advent-of-code-2019
Solutions to AoC in Racket.
Solutions to AoC in ReasonML.
Solutions to AoC in Red.
Solutions to AoC in Ruby.
Solutions to AoC in Rust.
- AlexAegis/advent-of-code
- AmauryCarrade/AdventOfCode2019
- DarthGandalf/advent-of-code
- alyti/aoc-2019
- dashed/advent-of-code
- fornwall/advent-of-code-2019-rs
- hashedone/advent-of-code-2019-rust
- jdlambert/advent-of-code-2019
- meyerphi/advent-of-code
- timvisee/advent-of-code-2019
- bwearley/advent-of-code-2019
Solutions to AoC in Smalltalk.
Solutions to AoC in Scala.
Solutions to AoC in Scheme.
Solutions to AoC in Swift.
Solutions to AoC in TypeScript.
Solutions to AoC in Zig.
Folks who are live streaming their process.