Master thesis work to simulate a microscope and stream the images coming from the microscope.
The simulator can either be run on its own or connected with Kafka. To run it with Kafka a Kafka server is needed.
cv2, numpy, PIL, Flask, kafka-python, scikit-image
To stream to Harmonic IO, the stream connector is needed (with container support): (see 'Install the Streaming Connector only')
For installation in development mode:
A step by step series of examples that tell you have to get a development env running
git clone
cd exjobb
git pull
See example_*.py
import simulator_no_flask
simulator_no_flask.get_files(file_path, period, binning, color_channel, connect_kafka) # period = period time in seconds, color_channel given as
#list with up to 5 channels ie. ["1", "2", "5"], connect_kafka set to "yes" for Kafka server connection
You should see output like this:
simulator: list of files to stream:
simulator: stream ID is: 2018_01_08__10_35_55_dummy_set
simulator: initialized streaming target
file: ./test-images/dummy_image_0.png has size: 130450
Sending request..
[OUT: Push data to worker (>benblamey/haste-example:latest) successful.]
simulator: all files streamed
import profiling
profiling.timer_kafka("file_path_to_images.tif", "to_time") # to_time can be p: producer, p2: producer already connected to Kafka or g:simulator
profiling.time_kafka_consumer() # time Kafka consumer
profiling.timer_kafka_100bytes() # time Kafka producer when sending small messages