The aim of this repository is to share examples of misalignments between the values/actions of stakeholders using interactive systems and the values embedded in those systems. Don't worry, you can use this platform even if you don't know how to code.
You can go to the "Issue" tab to find all the identified misalignments. You can click on the problem you are interested in. You can also sort the issues according to the type of misalignment you want to check, the technical system observed or the context in which the misalignment was observed (see labels).
Now it is time to create issues...
Here is the structure I suggest you follow to add a misalignment to the "Issues" tab:
- Context of identification
- Technical system observed
- Misalignment observed
If you are observing a misalignement:type1, then you can add:
- Values embedded in the software
- Values of the stakeholders
If you are observing a misalignement:type2, then you can add:
- Values embedded in the software
- Actions wanted by the stakeholders
If you are observing a misalignement:type3, then you can add:
- Direct effects
- Enabling effects
- Structuring effects
Representation of the misalignments
We also recommend that you label your problem so that users can quickly find any misalignments!
There are 3 types of labels:
- The misalignment (type1, 2 or 3): MA:type1, MA:type or MA:type3
- The technical system: system:nameofyoursystem
- The context: context:nameofthecontext
You can comment on a misalignment that someone else has added. If you have an example of a misalignment that is related to another misalignment, here is the process you should follow:
- Open a new issue in the issue repository, describe the misalignment you have identified.
- Then add a comment to your new issue, mentioning the related misalignment.
If you are having trouble adding your information to the platform, you can contact me through my email: [email protected]