This is the full version of pysoftk that includes:
- ring ring and all other functions
- umap and hbdscan
- intrinsic densities (linear and spherical)
you need to install first pysoftwhere and then afterwards pysoftk. Using either conda or virtual enviorements, you can use pip install -e . in both cases. In the case of conda, please enable the environment. For a virtual enviorement, please just source the activate file.
Due to the size of the trajectory file (115MB), I have to split the trajetory into 2 files which are located in the folder test. To join the trajectory just type (cat intrinsic_density_movie_split.aa intrinsic_density_movie_split.ab > intrinsic_density_movie.xtc) this enables to use the file
If you want to run all tests within the folder ../pysoftk/test/test_pol , please move the trajectory .xtc to the folder ../pysoftk/test/test_pol/data and then type inside the folder ../pysoftk/test/test_pol the command pytest.