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DH edited this page Sep 27, 2023 · 4 revisions

Waystone Data Storage Location

To find the Waystones-related data, open the folder of the world which you want to edit:
{World Folder}/data/fw_waystones.dat
All of the different dimensions are stored in that file, so if you have different folders for different dimensions, you only need the main (overworld) save folder.
To open the file, you need some sort of NBT editor.

fw_waystones.dat File

The fw_waystones.dat data contains:

  • global_waystones - a list of all the global Waystones
  • fwaystones - a list of all discoverable Waystones

The Waystone object contains the following entries:

  • color - the color of the Waystone. Currently only used for waypoint color with JourneyMap
  • name - the displayed name of the Waystone.
  • position - the XYZ coordinates of the Waystone
  • dimension - the name of the dimension the Waystone is located in
  • hash - the unique identifier of the Waystone.

"Shadow Waystones"

Modifying the in-world data of a Waystone (position, dimension and hash) can make "shadow Waystones". Players that have these Waystones discovered cannot teleport to them, and they cannot be removed other than editing the file.
"Shadow Waystones" can also occur when a dimension is deleted, so the only way to get rid of any Waystones that existed in that dimension is by removing them from the save.

Discovered Waystones

Additionally, each player.dat (inside the playerdata folder) file has data on what Waystones they have discovered. Editing player's discovered Waystones can be done in similar ways as the fw_waystones.dat file.

NBT Editors

A list of some NBT Editors:

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