We currently have a simplified deployment process with limitted scalability using a fabric script (http://www.fabfile.org/). In the future we plan to to use Amazon Elastic Beanstalk (https://aws.amazon.com/es/elasticbeanstalk/) to handle deployment and scalability.
The deployment script is stored on fabfile
folder and was based on this project: https://github.com/ashokfernandez/Django-Fabric-AWS
- Install the libraries of fabfile
pip install -r fabfile/requirements.txt
. - Private AWS key file to access the instances installed on your SSH folder
(check permissions of the file, 400 is expected) - Private deploy key on your ssh file
- Passphrase of the deployment key
A complete description can be found on fabfile/django_fabric_aws.py
- fab spawn instance
- fab configure_instance
- fab update_packages
- fab deploy
- fab reload_gunicorn
- fab reload_nginx
- fab reload_supervisor
- fab manage:command="management command"
In some deployments we need to simplify how we serve the static files or/and the database.
A posibility is to use nginx to serve the static folder of the project. We can also use nginx to handle redirects from non www to www domains.
You can trigger a deploy to the instances listed on fabfile/project_conf.py
variable EC2_INSTANCES
by executing
fab deploy
this command will update the repository on the instances to the latest version of the branch selected on each one.
To install a local environment you will need python 2.7 in virtualenv wrapper
- Create a virtualenv
mkvirtualenv indicatorregistry
- Install dependencies
pip install -r logicaloutcomes/requirements/common.txt
andpip install -r logicaloutcomes/requirements/dev.txt
- Run migrations
./manage.py migrate --settings=logicaloutcomes.settings.dev
- Collect statics
./manage.py collectstatic --settings=logicaloutcomes.settings.dev
- Populate database with indicators
- Create a superuser
./manage.py createsuperuser --settings=logicaloutcomes.settings.dev
- Run the development server with
as the settings file. A shortcut for this is./run.sh