Assignment 1 - Hello World: Basic Deployment w/ Git, GitHub, Glitch
Lindberg Simpson
This project shows ...
- Styled page with CSS: Added rules for the p, li, h1, h2, h3, and body selectors.
- Simple JavaScript Animation: Added a simple animation that changes color of some of the main header on the site.
- Experimented with other HTML Tags: Implemented and tried different options with the img, a, button, q, input, and div tags on the site.
- Used the Kufam, Kite One, and Yanone Kaffeesatz Fonts from Google Fonts: I used Yanone Kaffeesatz as the font for h1 text, Kufam for the h2 text, and Kite One for the h3 text in my site.
- Color Palette: Created and used this adobe color palette throughout the website:
References: I mainly used for help with JavaScript and CSS rules and syntax.
Note to the TA: This assignment showed up late because I made the pull request from last year's git repository instead of this one. I spoke to professor Charles about this already and he said it was fine. Thank you!