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Can machines learn art?


I am always passionate about the applications of Machine learning on art.
This repository will record my findings on this subject. It is a project in progress with no pre-known destination. I will show my work in small folders, each treats a sub-problem.

After reading this paper, I decided to start by writing an algorithm in Python to identify the paintings of Van Gogh and those of Dali. Using the HOG features suggested by the paper, a 98.77% accuracy can be achieved with ~700 training example. This fits well the results presented in the paper.


  • Training data: I used 700 examples (350 for Van Gogh, 350 for Dali) download from google image
  • Classification algorithm: SVM (kernel=linear, C=1)
  • Features: Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG)
  • Features selection: LinearSVC-based
  • best accuracy: 98.77%
    Note: the file 'training_Dali_Van_pixel_grayscale.csv' used in shoud be created by runining I didn't include it because it's too big.

Future work:

To understand why HOG works so well in this problem, I consider to write a function to plot the selected-HOG features over the image, which will allow me to know what exactly the machine 'sees'.

DaVinci and Botticelli (In progress and will update 'in real time')

Encouraged by this amazing result with Van Gogh and Dali, I tried to identify Da Vinci's work from Botticelli's. This time, the difficulties are:

  • Being two great painters of the same period - the Renaissance, no big style distinction can be suspected easily.
  • Devoting all his life in painting, Botticelli has left much more works than Da Vinci, for whom painting was only a part of his great intelligence. Translated into machine learning words, this will be an imbalanced-data problem.

### My first try:
  • Training data: 28 images of Da Vinci's paintings and 98 of Botticelli's from wikipedia's list. Note: I devided Da Vinci's paintings into 3 parts: those [generally accepted] (/DaVinci_Botticelli/data/DaVinci/certain) (28) as his work, those [might be] (/DaVinci_Botticelli/data/DaVinci/maybe) his work (6) and those [copied] (/DaVinci_Botticelli/data/DaVinci/copy) (3) by others. For this first try, I used only the first part.
  • Features: color histogram (for instance, color is the only difference between the painters that I can find and 'translate' into calculatable features)
  • Feature engineering: SMOTE (to balance the data) + LinearSVC based feature selection
  • Performance measure: AUC of ROC (to facilate the comparison of before and after SMOTE)
  • classifiers tried: SVM, decision trees (DT), Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB)

##### Results and discussion:
  • SVM gives random guess
  • DT and GNB can predict with different labels, but always suffering from high bias even I increase feature numbers by reducing the regularization of the feature selection. This suggests me to use more different features, for example, HOG, SIFT, ...


  1. Van Gogh and Dali identification: Using Machine Learning for Identification of Art Paintings
  2. HOG: [Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection] (
  3. SMOTE: SMOTE: Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique and UnbalancedDataset
  4. Feature selection: An Introduction to Variable and Feature Selection


Can machines learn art?






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