This role is responsible for installing the newrelic-plugin-agent
It will be capable of monitoring the following services:
- Alternative PHP Cache
- Apache HTTP Server
- CouchDB
- Elasticsearch
- HAProxy
- Memcached
- MongoDB
- Nginx
- pgBouncer
- PostgreSQL
- RabbitMQ
- Redis
- Riak
Users must have a valid NewRelic account and provide a valid newrelic_license_key
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml
newrelic_license_key: DEFINE_WITH_YOUR_OWN_KEY
Your NewRelic license key must be set for this role to operate properly.
newrelic_plugin_agent_version: latest
Specify either latest
or a specific version number to install via pip
newrelic_plugin_poll_interval: 60
The rate at with the agent will poll to NewRelic
#newrelic_plugin_api_timeout: 10
#newrelic_proxy: http://localhost:8080
These two variables are not set by default however they can be specified to force their inclusion.
newrelic_plugin_user: newrelic
The user the newrelic_plugin_agent should run as.
newrelic_plugin_config_location: /etc/newrelic
newrelic_plugin_config_name: newrelic_plugin_agent.cfg
The location and name for the config file. The config location will be created and chowned to the newrelic_plugin_user
newrelic_plugin_daemon_location: /usr/local/bin
newrelic_plugin_daemon_name: newrelic_plugin_agent
The location of the installed service. This differs by OS. Debian will install to /usr/local/bin/
where RedHat will install to /usr/bin
newrelic_plugin_log_location: /var/log/newrelic
newrelic_plugin_log_name: newrelic_plugin_agent.log
The location and name for the log
newrelic_plugin_log_format: '%(levelname) -10s %(asctime)s %(process)-6d %(processName) -15s %(threadName)-10s %(name) -25s %(funcName) -25s L%(lineno)-6d: %(message)s'
newrelic_plugin_log_maxbytes: 10485760
newrelic_plugin_log_backupcount: 3
newrelic_plugin_log_level: INFO
newrelic_plugin_log_propagate: True
Overide these to change the default behavior of the logging of the agent. (See templates/newrelic_plugin_agent.cfg.j2
newrelic_plugin_pid_location: /var/run/newrelic
The location and name for the pid
newrelic_plugin_apache: False
newrelic_plugin_couchdb: False
newrelic_plugin_elasticsearch: False
newrelic_plugin_haproxy: False
newrelic_plugin_mongodb: False
newrelic_plugin_memcached: False
newrelic_plugin_nginx: False
newrelic_plugin_pgbouncer: False
newrelic_plugin_php_apc: False
newrelic_plugin_php_fpm: False
newrelic_plugin_postgresql: False
newrelic_plugin_rabbitmq: False
newrelic_plugin_redis: False
newrelic_plugin_riak: False
All of the available services that can be monitored. (See templates/newrelic_plugin_agent.cfg.j2
for all required variables for each service)
There are no external dependencies.
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- { role: Rackspace_Automation.newrelic-plugin-meetme, newrelic_license_key: YOUR_LICENSE_KEY }
Bruce Stringer [email protected]
Rackspace - the open cloud company
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