- Install Elixir 1.12 or later: Installation Page
- Install Erlang 22 or later: Installation Page
- Install postgreSQL database: Installation guide
The database is handeld by pgAdmin. Create a database with the name escaperoom_dev. It will have a default user that has all the access to the database.
Default user:
- username: postgres
- Something you chose when installing postgreSQL
Configure your database in config/dev.exs
- username: postgres
- password: Something you chose when installing postgreSQL
Open gitbash on the folder you want to clone the project in
Clone master branch into that folder
Move into the project root by typing
cd EscapeRoom2.0
Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
or inside IEx withiex -S mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000/items
from your browser.